Isaiah 25:1 – Get Your Praise On!

O Lord, I will honor and praise your name,
for you are my God.
You do such wonderful things!
You planned them long ago,
    and now you have accomplished them.

(Isaiah 25:1)

Are you one of those people who praise God only when you’re in church surrounded by other believers? Or are you someone who always has a praise song on their lips? Chances are, realistically speaking, you find yourself somewhere in between, aspiring to be more worshipful in your waking moments. Life gets in the way, doesn’t it? Sometimes the heaviness of a life situation makes it hard to feel grateful to the point you overflow with praise.

Context: For Isaiah, as a prophet of the LORD, he struggled with his own demons of distraction as he took on the abuse of his audience. He was being used by God, but the people weren’t listening. However, this verse opens a chapter full of hope, giving God the glory for being true to his word. Isaiah calls out both judgment and salvation, so depending on your relationship with God, these verses make you celebrate because of the hope or cower because of fear of doom. Continue reading “Isaiah 25:1 – Get Your Praise On!”

Jeremiah 23:5-6 – The Time is Coming

Read Jeremiah 23:5-6

When I think of the people alive at the time of Jesus’ birth, I can only imagine this prophetic word would have brought comfort. However, based on these words, the people were expecting a great warrior king that would come and restore peace and safety. The world Jesus was born into was full of evil and corruption. God’s people lived in fear and needed a Savior. They just didn’t know their Savior would look like Jesus.

Jesus was that “righteous descendant from King David’s line.” Matthew’s gospel does a great job of revealing that genealogy. This wise king, Jesus, would save the people and return them to safety. How Jesus would do this was not with a mighty sword or battle as the people expected. Although, the battles being fought in the unseen realm are likely greater than we can possibly imagine. Continue reading “Jeremiah 23:5-6 – The Time is Coming”


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