Jeremiah 23:5-6 – The Time is Coming

Read Jeremiah 23:5-6

When I think of the people alive at the time of Jesus’ birth, I can only imagine this prophetic word would have brought comfort. However, based on these words, the people were expecting a great warrior king that would come and restore peace and safety. The world Jesus was born into was full of evil and corruption. God’s people lived in fear and needed a Savior. They just didn’t know their Savior would look like Jesus.

Jesus was that “righteous descendant from King David’s line.” Matthew’s gospel does a great job of revealing that genealogy. This wise king, Jesus, would save the people and return them to safety. How Jesus would do this was not with a mighty sword or battle as the people expected. Although, the battles being fought in the unseen realm are likely greater than we can possibly imagine. Continue reading “Jeremiah 23:5-6 – The Time is Coming”


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