Job 38:1-41 – God Answers Job!

whirlwind blue and purple swirls

Read Job 38:1-41

Don’t rush past verse 1. “Then the Lord answered Job.”  There is a lot of power packed into these words. The word “then” stops us in our tracks as if someone just turned on the light so we can finally see. How climactic! After all the time Job longed to hear from God, God now speaks and tells Job to “Brace yourself.” Hold on and get ready to be wowed!

The whole book of Job hinges on this moment of truth. God’s words are important, but the simple fact that God answers from the whirlwind is huge! It proves God is always present with us, listening to our prayers. After the last 35+ chapters, we’ve heard from Job and his friends, all spinning their wheels, spouting off misguided theology while trying to figure out what is happening.

Only God could console Job. At last, Job’s hunger will be satisfied. Yet God opens his response with a deluge of questions for Job without answering the “why me?” question Job has been asking.

The Lord’s questions seem to be rhetorical in nature, but it sounds like God expects answers when he tells Job he “must answer.” These questions fall into three categories, (1) “who?”, (2) “have you ever?”, and (3) “are you able?” What went through Job’s mind? Was he reeling from all the questions? Was he in shock to actually hear from God? The answers to these questions, by the way, would be something like, (1) God, (2) no, but God has, and (3) no, but God is.

I don’t know about you, but as I read God’s initial response here, the lyrics of the song, Indescribable by Chris Tomlin, played in my head. That song speaks to the majesty of God, and I had not realized the connection to this passage before. That was a bit of an “a-ha” moment for me.

Humbled. If I had been in Job’s place and heard these questions from God, I would have been humbled and awestruck. The questions God asks Job give us all some perspective of God’s power. There is so much hope in these verses, too, because that very same, powerful, all-knowing God chose to reach down and make himself known. Not only was Job likely shaken to his core, but we can be moved as well.

We see that the authority and wisdom of God is far beyond what we can fathom. Job sees it, too, and realizes that any human attempt to understand God will be futile. We cannot begin to conceive the deity and supremacy of God. We can only marvel.

Take some time today to bask in the glory of God as this passage invites us to lose ourselves in praise of our loving Creator.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, you challenge me every day with your truth. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you are trying to reveal, but today it is your mighty power. Help me to just sit quietly and listen for your voice to wash over me. Thank you for how you provide for me. May I be a good steward of all your gifts. Continue to speak through me and use me for your kingdom work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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