Job 39:1-30 – God’s Challenge Continues

warhorse and rider with grey stormy sky background

Read Job 39:1-30

Don’t you love that God stepped down from his throne to be heard? We know the Bible promises God never leaves us. Psalm 34:18 is one of those verses I was reminded of recently, and I thought of Job. The psalmist writes, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” He also rescues us, and we have yet to see what may happen to Job. God never abandoned Job through all of this and determined it was now time to respond.

If Job had been expecting God to reply to all the ranting, was he now surprised that God was posing so many questions? God’s line of questioning would suppose Job was involved in creation. Rather, God was pointing to himself as creator with a bit of a challenge for Job. Did God think that Job had been trying to “play God” or put words in God’s mouth? It seems all the friends were a little guilty of being wrong about God.

God was setting the record straight with His challenging statements about the authority over creation. Of course, Job shouldn’t claim to have any responsibility for any of the creatures of the world and their unique giftings and quirks. God’s creatures include us humans, too, and do we have quirks! Sometimes people forget we are part of God’s creation and not the creator. We need to let God be God and realize we are not.

It’s easy when times are rough to feel like God is distant. That’s what Job had been feeling. But we have 24/7 access to the power of God and can rely on God’s promise to never abandon us. He didn’t abandon Job. In fact, Job is one of very few people in the Bible that spoke directly with God. What an honor! What a confirmation of a loving and attentive God!

Of all the animals God uses, what he says about horses is what struck me the most. Horses participating in wars is certainly a different picture than I have of horses grazing in the field or being ridden on a trail. In God’s view, the horse’s purpose is as a warrior, helping its riders to victory. Now I am picturing courageous horses living in Bible times.

Being courageous is how we live a life of faith. God often asks us to do things we don’t feel ready to do. We might experience setbacks when we’re not pursuing God’s will. We may take a hit and lose some friends for standing on God’s word as direction for our life. All of these circumstances can rock our faith if we’re not courageous.

Just as God equipped all those animals in the manner of which he speaks, God equips us as needed for the battles of life. Between God’s mighty angels and the Holy Spirit, we are armed for battle whether we have a horse or not. It’s because of God we can find our courage.

Hebrews 13:21 is a prayer that closes like this. “May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.”

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, thank you for the promise you will be close to me and never abandon me. This world can be a scary place, but I want to stand firmly on your word no matter what. The only one I need to please is you, God, my Creator. May my words and my actions bring a smile to your face. Thank you for all provisions and gifts you have given me to share with others. You are the one that matters, not the world. Keep me focused and alert. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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