Job 40:1-24 – The LORD Said…

God's got the world in his hands ready to share with us

Read Job 40:1-24

When I picture having a conversation with God, I don’t see it to be anything like what Job experienced here. After all the distress Job has endured, God’s words must come as further attack. Job can’t catch a break!

What Job doesn’t realize is that there is some pruning going on. Jesus’ words in John 15:1-2 say, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” God’s words are fully intended to get Job back into shape. He has been misguided, and God needs to get Job’s attention.

The more God cuts into his “fruitful” tree, the more fruit it will produce. Why does the pruning have to be so brutal at times? Job needed to be put back in his place. God’s handling of Job in this manner was also meant to help heal him.

Have you had painful times in your life when you felt tested by God? Did it seem like your trials got worse before they finally turned around? Could it be that God was pruning you?

Job was so amazed by God he could only cover his mouth. The moment Job had been crying out for, an audience with God had arrived. Now the speech he had imagined in his head seemed to be scattered. I feel sorry for Job. He has been given a chance before God, and now he cowers in his awe.

God speaks of an unknown beast, a Behemoth, which has been created by God just like Job. Scholars liken a Behemoth to a hippopotamus, if that helps you in picturing what God describes here. The text says, “It is a prime example of God’s handiwork, and only its Creator can threaten it.” Even the Behemoth feared God.

Ephesians 2:10 claims we are God’s handiwork, or in my translation “masterpiece.” Paul writes, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” We, like the Behemoth, are created by God. But we are made new by Jesus’ sacrifice for us. God planned it all along, and we now have the opportunity to do those good things.

Take some time today to imagine yourself before God. How would you respond to him and his majesty?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, what an awesome God you are. So mighty, yet so loving. Thank you for pruning me to make me better and more productive. I know there are painful times ahead, so help me stand strong on your truth alone. Help me to always know and accept my place in this world. Protect me from selfish desires that might take me off course. Thank you for how you sent Jesus as a sacrifice for my sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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