Numbers 11:1-15 – How They Really Felt

Read Numbers 11:1-15

Do you ever hold back when you’re talking to God? Do you always let him know exactly how you feel, even if you moan and whine a bit? We see here how the people of Israel didn’t hold back. We just noted how agreeable they had been in obeying God when he told them it was time to move.

The ”honeymoon phase” of their captivity was coming to an end. In other words, the people’s patience was wearing thin, and tensions in the wilderness were in high gear. How did God respond? Continue reading “Numbers 11:1-15 – How They Really Felt”

Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On

Read Numbers 10:11-36

Again we have a date of sorts to place the movement of the people. That must have been an exciting day to finally put the instructions God gave Moses into practice. Although the people would be leaving behind what had become “familiar” for two years. Do you think the people were anxious for a change of scenery?

What a sight this must have been to see this huge group of people start dismantling the tabernacle and moving in such orderly fashion! There had to be some grumbling as the people put these instructions to the test, but the text is silent on that. I know from having moved many times in my life, there are always tensions and frustrations that seem to creep in, even when you think you’ve planned and packed efficiently. Continue reading “Numbers 10:11-36 – Time to Move On”

Numbers 10:1-10 – Blow the Trumpets

Read Numbers 10:1-10

If you ever wondered how Moses managed to get everyone’s attention when he had a word from the LORD, now we know. Trumpets. The priests were to blow the trumpets in some fashion, depending on the message. I have to admit visions of Captain Van Trapp and his whistle in the opening scenes of “The Sound of Music” come to mind in terms of the effectiveness of that type of signal communication.

Priests had been trusted with many things in the law. Here we have yet another task to manage—the trumpet blowing. God was serious about this task because he made it permanent. I wonder if the people ever imagined the trumpets as the voice of God. Certainly, when they sounded it meant something was happening, and it was time to respond to God’s message. Continue reading “Numbers 10:1-10 – Blow the Trumpets”

Numbers 9:15-23 – The Fiery Cloud

Read Numbers 9:15-23

I wonder how many times the people of Israel broke camp and moved on. We’re told their stay could simply be an overnight or up to a year. In our previous readings, we learned how God instructed the people to be orderly in the process. I’m sure after a few moves it became easier and easier to get into the “habit” of moving.

Do you think the people felt comforted knowing God’s presence was there in the cloud? Perhaps over time they began to take for granted this visible sense of God’s presence in their midst. What I liked about this reading was how the people obeyed. Their every move was in response to a command from God. Continue reading “Numbers 9:15-23 – The Fiery Cloud”

Numbers 9:1-14 – Remember the Passover

Read Numbers 9:1-14

This is a great reading giving us all sorts of insight to a ritual that has become a staple for Jewish believers today all the way from this second Passover being celebrated. God never wants us to forget how he moved so obviously and intentionally among his people.

Can you imagine having witnessed the end of the plagues in Egypt with the angel of death passing through town taking each first born, even among the livestock. But the LORD passed over his precious children who painted their doorways with blood and nobody died, they all escaped into safety. Continue reading “Numbers 9:1-14 – Remember the Passover”


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