Matthew 3:1-12 – Prepare the Way

Read Matthew 3:1-12

John the Baptist was an interesting fellow who took his job very seriously. Not many of us can claim that the prophet Isaiah spoke about us. John’s purpose in life was planned by God for many years. He was to prepare the way for Jesus first coming. What an honor!

Do you ever wonder who God is planning to use to prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming? You might want to look in the mirror. While we’ll find out one day if God has in mind just one individual to stand out like John did with his less than “normal” ways. For now, we can be sure God is counting on us to welcome people into his family by introduction and our loving example. Continue reading “Matthew 3:1-12 – Prepare the Way”

Psalm 80:1-7 – Save Us!

Read Psalm 80:1-7

The cry of the psalmist can be ours as well as we anticipate Jesus’ return. “Come to rescue us,” are words on the lips of Christ followers around the world this Christmas. Why? Because the world is broken again, so broken. Our only hope is in Jesus.

Do you ever feel like an outcast because of your faith in Jesus? I sense the psalmist was also struggling with feeling abandoned. Yet his lament was directed to God, believing that God had turned away. We can cling to the promise in Deuteronomy 31:6, “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” We don’t need to be alarmed or worry. Even if it feels like God is distant, he’s close. He is personally involved in our lives. Continue reading “Psalm 80:1-7 – Save Us!”

Galatians 4:4-5 – God’s Child

Read Galatians 4:4-5

God’ Son is Jesus, but we can call ourselves “children” of God according to these words from Paul. Stop for a moment to reflect on what it means to be a child of God. It’s comforting, isn’t it? It sure makes me look at the world a little differently. I’m pretty sure most of the people walking down the street don’t know Jesus like I do and know they can be children of God, too.

This is an interesting passage to use for an Advent reflection, but it speaks to Jesus’ role in the world then and now. It’s a bit of the gospel, Jesus’ birth story, and our future hope all wrapped up together. What jumped out to you in this reading? Continue reading “Galatians 4:4-5 – God’s Child”

Psalm 122 – We Have Jesus

Read Psalm 122

Our last Advent reading spoke of our future trek to God’s mountain, and this psalm gives us a “song” to accompany our march. It’s known as a “psalm of ascent” because pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem for holy days and festivals would sing this collection of psalms as they went up the mountain to Jerusalem.

For our Advent journey, “Let us go to the house of the Lord,” and be glad as the psalmist. We’re called into community with other believers for this special time. While we may not be headed to Jerusalem, we can gather with our own church friends and give thanks. Continue reading “Psalm 122 – We Have Jesus”

Micah 4:1-5 – The Lord’s Mountain

Read Micah 4:1-5

Our Advent reading points to the LORD’s mountain. Remember during Advent we are remembering and celebrating Jesus’ first coming as well as looking forward to Jesus’ second coming. It’s a meaningful time to dig deep into God’s word for messages hidden there for us.

Even though this is an Old Testament text from Micah, it points forward, all the way to the last days. Some people say we’re living in those last days. What does this text say to us if that is truly the case? After all, people for generations have been seeing the signs. All we can do is agree that God’s timing will be perfect. Continue reading “Micah 4:1-5 – The Lord’s Mountain”


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