Numbers 9:1-14 – Remember the Passover

Read Numbers 9:1-14

This is a great reading giving us all sorts of insight to a ritual that has become a staple for Jewish believers today all the way from this second Passover being celebrated. God never wants us to forget how he moved so obviously and intentionally among his people.

Can you imagine having witnessed the end of the plagues in Egypt with the angel of death passing through town taking each first born, even among the livestock. But the LORD passed over his precious children who painted their doorways with blood and nobody died, they all escaped into safety. Continue reading “Numbers 9:1-14 – Remember the Passover”

Numbers 8:1-26 – Make Ready for Service

Read Numbers 8:1-26

The attention to detail is commendable. It would seem setting the lampstands appropriately was the final preparatory task before the ceremony installing and blessing the Levites, preparing them for service. You may recall how God directed Moses to install the priests back in Leviticus 8. For the Levites, it less intense, but there was still ritual involved.

In this ceremony, the Levites were recognized for the job that they would carry out for the Israelites. God had chosen the Levites for these special duties, and the rest of the tribes were in attendance to witness this time of installation. Continue reading “Numbers 8:1-26 – Make Ready for Service”

Numbers 7:1-89 – Dedication Gifts

Read Numbers 7:1-89

While there is a lot of repetition here, all these gifts dedicating the Tabernacle bring honor to God. The tribes weren’t trying to outdo each other by bringing a grander sacrifice, and they brought their dedication offering in an orderly fashion. The focus was where it should be–on dedicating the LORD’s presence among them.

What did you notice in this reading? Did you get lost in the accounting for the gifts, trying to imagine where all these animals came from? Suffice it to say that at this point in history living in the wilderness, even the carts presented would have been a great luxury. The tribes acknowledged God as worthy of their sacrifices. Continue reading “Numbers 7:1-89 – Dedication Gifts”

Numbers 6:22-27 – A Blessing for You

Read Numbers 6:22-27

“Then God said to Moses,” is such a full statement in and of itself. The word “then” suggests something particular has happened before this moment. The mere thought of God speaking to a human like this is another whole story to unpack. And God’s choice to give this message to Moses for his own brother and family. That is a lot for just one sentence.

What God told Moses to tell his brother Aaron becomes something beautiful we can all be blessed by. God meant it here to be a priestly blessing for Aaron and his sons to give to the people, themselves included. God knows the job of priest is not for the faint of heart and will take great devotion and sacrifice. More than ever, they themselves will need to cling to these words of blessing. Continue reading “Numbers 6:22-27 – A Blessing for You”

Numbers 6:1-21 – What’s a Nazirite?

Read Numbers 6:1-21

According to our text, a Nazirite is someone who takes a special vow, “setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way.”  So long as they keep their vow intact, they are given certain requirements of things they can and can’t do, including food and drink.

While the requirements are not at all “undoable,” they would require certain behaviors to change making the vow harder to keep for some than others. Especially hard would be times of mourning at the loss of a family member. Continue reading “Numbers 6:1-21 – What’s a Nazirite?”


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