Numbers 34:1-29 – Boundaries

Read Numbers 34:1-29

Talk about accountability! Soon the Promised Land will be ready to be distributed among the tribes. Not only are we given the physical boundaries of where this land lies, we’re told who God has entrusted in its distribution by sacred lots. This means these leaders will be seeking God’s input for this whole process.

Many things have yet to happen before the actual distribution begins, like crossing the river and fighting the locals. But again, God prepared the way so there would be no questions. Even though Moses won’t be there to see it all take place, he can rest easy knowing that God has spoken such wisdom through him preparing the priest, Joshua, and the tribal representatives. Continue reading “Numbers 34:1-29 – Boundaries”

Numbers 33:1-56 – The Wilderness Journey

Read Numbers 33:1-56

Did your jaw drop when you saw how many stops the Israelites made along their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land? I’ve always been curious as to what forty years of wandering around a fairly small region looked like, and the answer was here in this reading all the time! Remember the instructions God had given Moses about setting up and taking down the Tabernacle, as well as moving it each time they broke camp? That message came while they were camping in Sinai (verse 15). This text gives us the route and puts all of that into perspective.

The wilderness journey is now nearly complete. The people can see across the Jordan River to the land of Canaan. This will be their new home, the Promised Land God vowed to give his people, Israel. No more nomadic life; the end of the journey is in sight. What do you think God’s people thought about that? What do you think Moses was thinking knowing he’d never cross the river with them? Continue reading “Numbers 33:1-56 – The Wilderness Journey”

Numbers 32:1-42 – Family Unity

Read Numbers 32:1-42

What a great exchange between a family and God! As future plans are being made for Israel, two of the family tribes come forward with a request or suggestion at least. They want to have their share be the land just conquered on the east side of the Jordan River. The Promised Land awaits on the opposite shore, and yet these two tribes want to establish themselves here without going across the river. After all, they have a lot of livestock. That makes sense to me to want to stay put.

But red flags go up as Moses assumes they are trying to get out of supporting the rest of the family on their conquests to come across the river. I agree that if those tribes were trying to get out of helping by hiding here on the east side, that would be unacceptable. Thankfully that wasn’t the case! Continue reading “Numbers 32:1-42 – Family Unity”

Numbers 31:1-54 – Conquest of the Midianites

Read Numbers 31:1-54

I’m not sure this victory is the legacy that Moses was wanting as one of his last duties as God’s leader of the Israelites. As I understand it, there are details in this account that don’t fit with reality or seem over the top in terms of the sheer amounts recorded. When we encounter difficult texts like this, it’s best to take a step back and see what God’s message is for us today despite all of those “distractions.”

So what do we see as messages from God in this reading? One I see fits with God’s character as he reveals himself and his desire for his people to have the best opportunity for success. The Midianites were the enemy in terms of distracting people from God and “leading them into idolatry.” This would be a clear violation of God’s desire for us to put him first. Without trusting God 100%, the people would not have that “best” opportunity available to them. Continue reading “Numbers 31:1-54 – Conquest of the Midianites”

Numbers 30:1-16 – Vows to God

Read Numbers 30:1-16

Vows made to God are serious business, and this section of the law sets out more guidelines to follow. This isn’t the only Biblical reference to vows. Here these rules protect husband and fathers concerning vows made by women. These men have the final say as to whether a vow is appropriate and should stand.

It’s helpful to know that a vow is a pledge expected to be kept. If that’s not possible, it’s better not to make a vow in the first place. Once a vow is made, a person is committed to the LORD to perform some special deed or even be abstinent from some action. The Hebrew culture has deep respect for the spoken word, a good model for the rest of us to follow. Continue reading “Numbers 30:1-16 – Vows to God”


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