Read Job 8:1-22
It’s Bildad’s turn to open his mouth. Overall, Bildad’s response promotes peace. Bildad is urging Job to hang on, continue maintaining his confidence in God’s justice. But what does the justice of God mean exactly? Again we come back to sinfulness and punishment. Interesting rhetorical question Bildad poses about God twisting justice.
Bildad’s approach to Job in this moment is different from the other friend, Eliphaz. It’s more reassuring, like Bildad is adding to what Eliphaz has already shared, emphasizing the doctrines. Neither friend condemns Job directly.
Did you find Bildad’s illustration using the plant helpful? We can take refuge knowing that the godless will one day be no more. That’s the justice of God will prevail. The lush plant, or satisfied non-believer, will one day be plucked out of the ground, off the face of the earth, and “it’s as though it never existed!” Tragic.
As Christians, we know we have a future beyond the grave. There will be a time of laughter and goodness. We’ll have new bodies and be at home with the LORD forever. 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 is a great place to read about our future hope.
There are more words of wisdom shared by Bildad that could come in handy for us. We don’t need to be going through something traumatic to realize that our parents, grandparents, and beyond will have great experiences to learn from. Bildad says, “Pay attention to the experience of our ancestors.” One might say “our times have changed, what could we possibly learn from them?”
Tradition. Our Christian heritage is a great example of a tradition that I look to my ancestors for. My family has a rich history of faithfulness, despite the good and bad times. Not everyone has that rich tradition of faith. You can be part of that tradition for the generations to come. Think about that for a moment!
Bildad also reminds us “But look, God will not reject a person of integrity, nor will he lend a hand to the wicked.” If we want to be accepted by God, we should avoid a wicked lifestyle and seek to be full of integrity. Integrity comes when we stand on the truth of Scripture without falling prey to the whims of society. If you find it hard to stay focused, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and give you strength.
Bildad closes his remarks giving hope to Job. Bildad tells him God “will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” In this moment, Job can’t imagine laughing ever again. Do you think he was encouraged by Bildad?
Let’s pray. LORD, I thank you for the friends you have given me during my lifetime. I pray you’ll make me a better friend to those in my life. I know there are a lot of hurting people in this world, give them your peace. Keep me strongly planted in your Word so that I can fight off attacks from the evil one. Thank you for each battle you fight for me, and for the home you are preparing for me one day. I love you, LORD. In Jesus’ name. Amen.