2 Chronicles 34:14-33 – What a Find!

Read 2 Chronicles 34:14-33

There is so much we can glean from today’s passage, which is very similar to King Josiah’s history in 2 Kings 22. The key piece fueling this story is that a scroll containing God’s law, originally given by God to Moses, has been found. The king is overcome with the news, especially when he has heard the contents of the scroll.

King Josiah humbly acknowledges, seeks God, obeys God, leads others to return to God. He does all these things despite the fact he knows God’s anger is still burning under the surface, promising to bring judgment after Josiah’s lifetime. Hence, there’s a lot going on here to reflect on. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 34:14-33 – What a Find!”

2 Chronicles 32:24-33 – A Moment of Weakness

Read 2 Chronicles 32:24-33

It seems inevitable that decent, God-fearing kings will one day stumble. It’s good to see they’re human. After all the success and even beating a severe illness with God’s help, Hezekiah slipped. We read, “But Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him, and he became proud. So the Lord’s anger came against him and against Judah and Jerusalem.”

God’s fury was unleashed against the people under Hezekiah’s rule, too. How long God’s fury lasted is unknown, but in the very next verse we hear that Hezekiah repented his pride and God removed his anger. Continue reading “2 Chronicles 32:24-33 – A Moment of Weakness”

2 Chronicles 25:1-28 – Don’t Anger God

Read 2 Chronicles 25:1-28

I find myself shaking my head once again at the actions of these kings. Seriously! I have to remember that while I don’t find bowing down to a sculpture to make any sense at all, I have certainly bowed to plenty of my own idols over the years. Other people may find “my” idols laughable. Why is leaving our idols behind so difficult?

Idolatry is serious business and angers God. Nothing more needs to be said, really. If something makes God mad, and you know it because time and time again you’ve seen God’s response, why keep doing it? I’m guilty as a sinner, too, so these kinds of affirmations are always helpful for me. I want to try harder to stand firmly on the truth.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 25:1-28 – Don’t Anger God”

2 Chronicles 14:1-15 – Call on the LORD

Read 2 Chronicles 14:1-15

Asa is the first of the reforming kings in Chronicles. Even though the kings before him may have listened to the LORD, they must have looked the other way when it came to all the false gods and pagan practices that had been infiltrating the land. From the sounds of it, Asa led the charge of a great cleansing.

The land was at peace when the people were following God. I’m sure there is no “accident” or “coincidence” there. What would our world look like if everyone was a true follower of God? The renewed peace we see here is a direct result of the restored faith.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 14:1-15 – Call on the LORD”

2 Chronicles 2:11-18 – A King’s Reply

Read 2 Chronicles 2:11-18

King Solomon has now received King Hiram’s response to the letter we were privy to in the last reading. We learn a few things of note in Hiram’s letter of reply. What did you notice?

First and foremost, we learn that King Hiram has great respect for the God of Israel. Generally speaking, the people of Tyre were not Israelites and they did not worship God. They had many gods distracting them from the truth. Yet, King Hiram says very affirming things about our God. He actually shows a lot more reverence than most non-believers today.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 2:11-18 – A King’s Reply”

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