Daniel 3:1-18 – Stand Firm

Read Daniel 3:1-18

King Nebuchadnezzar’s massive golden statue was as tall as the distance between bases on a baseball diamond and as wide as an alligator. It’s helpful to put the size into perspective, realizing what an “eyesore” this would have been. Especially for Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!

Word of their refusal to worship the king’s golden idol reached the kings ears. Nebuchadnezzar became furious and sentenced these men to burn up in the furnace, just as he had warned would be the case for anyone who refused to worship the idol. Continue reading “Daniel 3:1-18 – Stand Firm”

2 Chronicles 23:12-21 – Bye-Bye Evil Queen

Read 2 Chronicles 23:12-21

With all the rejoicing underway, the evil queen was bound to realize some momentous occasion was happening in the temple. Before she could plot any sort of revenge, the priest, Jehoiada, had the queen removed from the festivities. Queen Athaliah met her demise that day, some distance away from the Temple.

How do you think the young king felt when he received so much attention? The Chronicler does a good job of describing the scene. It sounds like the people were fed up with the evil queen’s leadership. God had prepared their hearts to be ready for Jehoiada’s plan to play out. “Then Jehoiada made a covenant between himself and the king and the people that they would be the LORD’s people.” Note how the priest inserts himself into this covenant, it wasn’t just between the king and God. Jehoiada’s desire is clear. He wants to reinstate the godly kingship of David.

Continue reading “2 Chronicles 23:12-21 – Bye-Bye Evil Queen”

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