Malachi 1:6-14 – Shortcuts * Part One

Read Malachi 1:6-14

Have you ever taken a shortcut to lessen your load? Apparently, these priests sure have. The LORD is not happy with them at all. I’m not sure I’d be that lazy or disrespectful to take a shortcut where honoring God was concerned.

But don’t we all do it from time to time? We rush our devotion time because something more pressing or important is crowding out our day. We sometimes skip our quiet times with God all together. I don’t think I’m the only one who has.

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John 12:1-8 – Extravagant Worship

Read John 12:1-8

We are approaching the beginning of Holy Week 2023. During this time every year, we remember the sacrifice and miracle that took place because of how much God loves us. Beginning with Palm Sunday, we’ll walk together with Luke and the other gospel writers through some of the events of Jesus’ last week. It’s our special time to reflect on the immense sacrifice Jesus made to pay for our freedom from sin and death.

Our reading today sets the scene for what is to come and challenges us in our own worship practices. The Passover celebration was about to start, and little did the folks attending this dinner party know these were Jesus’ final days. Jesus knew, and his startling words about his burial must have shocked his friends.

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Hebrews 10:26-31 – Fear of the Lord

Read Hebrews 10:26-31

I like the meme that lists all the sins I haven’t committed yet today, adding “now it’s time to get out of bed!” We sin all the time. And, we’re probably even oblivious to much of our sinfulness, but God sees. Today’s text convicts us to be mindful of our sinning, especially if we’re continuing to sin in the same way over and over. It doesn’t matter the reason or purpose we’ve created to minimize the guilt, we are to avoid deliberate sin. Period!

These would be the sins we do on purpose or do even though we know they are sinful. When is the last time you did a deep dive into your own faith life and uncovered some sins that might have soon become “deliberate”? Maybe you’ll find some deep dark sin tucked away, but you’re unable to give it up. Examples that come to mind are addicts and atheists. Whether you’re doing things that distract you from God or you’re not living to honor God, you are sinning.

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1 Timothy 2:8-15 – What Worship Looks Like

Read 1 Timothy 2:8-15

man standing in field with his arms reaching out and looking heavenward

What was happening in Timothy’s church?  Paul’s counsel about worship practices boldly addresses some specific issues. It sounds like people were not keeping their places of worship holy. In church, there is no room for anger, controversy, or flamboyancy. There are plenty of churches in existence today who need to hear Paul’s words.

Paul lays out what a place of worship should look like. He starts with the reverent attitude we need when we pray. With a pure heart, our prayers should be sincere and directed to God. Many people think that we pray our hands should be folded and heads bowed. That these hands are lifted to God means you are proclaiming before God that you have nothing to hide. Men are to be praying in church, not caught up in fighting or anger. Such behaviors distract from the goodness of God and allow Satan’s grasp within the sacred walls.

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Jeremiah 5:20-31 – Horrible & Shocking

Read Jeremiah 5:20-31

baby face showing a very surprised face with wide eyes and hand on cheek

What’s horrible and shocking? Is it what is going to happen to God’s people or what they’ve done to bring God to this place of fury? The latter according to our text when God calls it out in verses 30 and 31. Even the prophets and priests have turned blindly away.

The warnings to Judah in this reading are clear and specific. The people were so disillusioned by the messages of the world they had forgotten the majesty of God. Even today, many people need a wake-up call to remind them of how great our God is. I loved this line from our text. “Let us live in awe of the LORD our God.”  That was the mindset the LORD wanted from them and us!

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