Philippians 3:17-21 – Citizens of Heaven

Read Philippians 3:17-21

people celebrating with spotlihghts

Are you headed for destruction? I certainly hope not! Paul reminds us that even believers may fall prey to distractions of this world. If you’re like me, you’ve been concerned at times by some of the behaviors or conduct of your friends and colleagues. They seem oblivious to the dangers of this world and embrace it so they can “fit in.” This is not what Paul intends for his fellow believers.

What does it mean to you to be an “enemy of the cross of Christ”? Paul would suggest these “enemies” are too focused on the present. While I am all about being “present” in community so I don’t miss a cue for prayer or way I can support or lead, I try not and allow the expectations of society shape my conduct. It can be a struggle.

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Philippians 1:20-26 – Why Am I Here?

Read Philippians 1:20-26

images of people with question marks above their heads in thought bubbles

I can still see myself sitting at the kitchen table in my pajamas as a teen. After everyone had gone to bed, and the house was quiet, I wrote. I wrote a lot of things in a journal questioning my purpose. I suppose you could say I was talking to God on those pages. I may have even written “Dear God” at the top of some of those rants.

Even still today, I ask God daily to show me my purpose, how I can best walk this journey of faith with him close. These words of Paul really resonate with me today, and I feel a kindred spirit with him and how he sees his own journey.

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1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1 – Give Glory to God

Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1

sidewalk chalk art with words "Be Kind"

What if I had titled this reflection, “Be a People Pleaser” instead? After all, Paul does say, “I, too, try to please everyone in everything I do.” Taking that sentence out of context could easily lead us off course. Take careful note of Paul’s motivation. “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” and “I do what is best for others so that many may be saved.”

Paul’s discussion is still dealing with the idea of eating food used in worship of idols. This seems to be a very serious dispute for the first audience. I’m still grappling with what kind of food that could mean for us today.

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2 Kings 12:17-21 – Overdeliver

Read 2 Kings 12:17-21

many different bright colored wrapped presents with bows, some blurred, some clear

If there had been a kitchen sink, I’m sure Joash would have given that to King Hazael, too. Do you wonder why Joash gave away so much? Was he that afraid that Jerusalem would fall under his watch? Was he prideful, a weak king, or a bit of a coward?

There is a time and a place for overdelivering. In our business, we learned early on that overdelivering makes for happy customers. We always appreciate doing business with people who overdeliver on their promises. It’s like a bonus you weren’t expecting. Here, Joash’s giving away all that has been dedicated seems a bit desperate. Do you think he checked in with God first?

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1 Samuel 17:52-18:4 – New Friends

Read 1 Samuel 17:52-18:4

two cuddly teddy bears sitting in a field, facing away, one posed with it's arm around the other

What a statement David’s actions made that day for the Israelites and the living God. The soldiers didn’t waste any time plundering the deserted camp. I can just imagine the relief they felt. They would not have to endure the bondage that seemed so sure.

It seems for David it was “all in a day’s work.” He carries Goliath’s head like a trophy, yet not with selfish pride but with gratefulness to God for giving him the strength. David’s deed had obviously caught Saul’s attention. Saul wanted to know everything about David. There doesn’t appear to be any recognition or association with the harp player, David. We see two, distinctly different sides of the same man in the accounts we’ve been reading.

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