Jeremiah 5:20-31 – Horrible & Shocking

Read Jeremiah 5:20-31

baby face showing a very surprised face with wide eyes and hand on cheek

What’s horrible and shocking? Is it what is going to happen to God’s people or what they’ve done to bring God to this place of fury? The latter according to our text when God calls it out in verses 30 and 31. Even the prophets and priests have turned blindly away.

The warnings to Judah in this reading are clear and specific. The people were so disillusioned by the messages of the world they had forgotten the majesty of God. Even today, many people need a wake-up call to remind them of how great our God is. I loved this line from our text. “Let us live in awe of the LORD our God.”  That was the mindset the LORD wanted from them and us!

Over the weekend, we watched a movie released from Revelation Media about Jeremiah’s life. It portrayed nicely the overlap between what was happening with the kings, the government, and false gods. It portrayed Jeremiah a little differently than I had imagined, but now I feel like I have a better understanding of what he went through sharing these messages.

I can also identify with Jeremiah a bit. He obeyed God even when it wasn’t popular. He listened to what God told him to do and then did it (even if he didn’t want to). I’ve been told I’m a courageous Christian for speaking about my faith so openly on social media and my blog, not to mention the devotional book series being published. I am not ashamed of the truth of Bible. Are you?

God’s observations of the people he was warning here suggest they are oblivious to him and his power. We can sometimes get a little lazy in our own respectfulness when we put our trust in things of the world.

This reading ends with a question. It’s a good question I’d like to think everyone has thought through. At least those of us who are believers and desire a relationship with God. How would you answer this question? “But what will you do when the end comes?” It’s a bit chilling to think that God was asking that question way back then. He knew it would be a relevant question for all time.

Do you think of the end times often? Ever since COVID hit and my mindset shifted into survival mode, I have been almost hungering for the end times. I fear that many people are going to be left unprepared if the world continues to spiral as it currently is.

Could it be there isn’t a time in history when those sentiments haven’t been felt by someone? Being prepared is something that should definitely be on our radar. We certainly don’t want to be foolish, disrespectful, stubborn, rebellious, wicked, and so on, like the audience being warned in this text.

What are you doing in your life to be prepared? How are you connecting with God and giving him the honor he craves?

praying hands looking up

Let’s pray … Lord, help me keep my eyes on you and your steadfast love. When I don’t think the stories around me could get any stranger, forgive me for my judging heart. Use me to help others find the path to you so they can honor and live in awe of you, too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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