Jeremiah 23:1-8 – A Righteous King

Read Jeremiah 23:1-8

A heart made out of letters saying Christ is Your Righteousness in all different sizes

The idea of kingship continues from our last reading, but with a different focus and three unexpected promises. The author is using the image of shepherds and sheep which would mean a lot more to the people first hearing God’s message. However, while shepherds are known to be very intent on providing the best care for their sheep, these kings were being likened to bad shepherds.

Here are the promises: (1) “Now I will pour out judgment on you for the evil you have done to them” but there will remain a remnant; (2) a righteous descendent of King David’s line will be raised up to lead with justice; and (3) the people will one day recall the rescue from exile in Babylon rather than the exodus from Egypt. What made these promises “unexpected?”

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Jeremiah 22:10-30 – The Fate of Three Kings

Read Jeremiah 22:10-30

golden crown with jewels

Jeremiah’s warning is very specific in today’s reading. His prophetic words speak loudest to the three kings involved. But what powerful news to the people who will witness their leadership being taken down exactly as Jeremiah’s words from God predict!

If you haven’t trekked your way through Judah’s history in 1st and 2nd Kings, then these names may be a bit unfamiliar. Suffice it to say the reign of these kings did not last for long periods, and there wasn’t a lot of God honoring behavior going on. King Josiah was the last king to seek the truth of God’s wisdom while trying to reform the people.

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Jeremiah 22:1-9 – Rubble or Not?

Read Jeremiah 22:1-9

remnant of a building wall with weeds growing around it

The king of Judah didn’t follow God’s advice, did he? If he did, Jerusalem would look a lot different today based on God’s promise here. “If you obey me, there will always be a descendant of David sitting on the throne here in Jerusalem.” The “here in Jerusalem” is what sets this apart from God’s promise to King David all those years ago.

For 300+ years, the people believed the royal house of David was their “special protection.” In 2 Samuel 7:16, God promises David, “Your house and your kingdom will continue before me for all time, and your throne will be secure forever.” Jesus sits on this throne now as the one who fulfills this promise. Remember the angel’s words to Mary about her son, Jesus, in Luke 2:31-33. “He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!”

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Jeremiah 21:11-14 – False Sense of Security

Read Jeremiah 21:11-14

hands outstretched pointing toward bright light in shape of a cross

Here’s the “out” for the royal family. If only the king had heard this simple message of how the wrongs could be made right. “Give justice each morning to the people you judge! Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors.” I can just imagine the abuse of the hierarchy that was happening at the time Jeremiah spoke these words.

No matter when God was delivering this message, he wanted the leaders of his people to be just. The temptation to abuse the power given to them goes without saying. We see how powerful people in our day take advantage of those less fortunate. It’s almost despicable that such social order chasms still exist.

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Jeremiah 21:1-10 – Bad News

Read Jeremiah 21:1-10

distortion of color with a man holding his ears full of anxiety

With this passage, we are entering into a new section of Jeremiah concerning prophecies focusing mainly on the Davidic kingship. It all begins with a request from the current king for reassurance from Jeremiah. Do you think King Zedekiah was surprised by Jeremiah’s message from God?

Clearly, King Zedekiah was clueless to the mess he and his people had created in Judah. He expected that God would help save them from the Babylonian attack. Had Zedekiah not been listening to Jeremiah’s prophecies up to this point? The news wasn’t good. God’s message was not “sugar coated” in the least. Here Zedekiah gets an earful of a message that is difficult for Jeremiah to bring.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 21:1-10 – Bad News”

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