Jeremiah 20:7-18 – Jeremiah Snaps!

Read Jeremiah 20:7-18

man with his hands holding his face with expression of apparent desperation

All along I have been amazed at Jeremiah’s fortitude in staying strong. God has been giving him extremely difficult messages to share as well as employing teachable moments to warn the people. Jeremiah continues to be dutiful in his mission despite any exhaustion or frustration. But in today’s reading, it seems he’s had enough!

Jeremiah’s brutal honesty is striking as he cries out to God. We can only begin to imagine the emotions coursing through his veins. He’s desperate, feeling he’s on display. Jeremiah believes he’s been overtaken and even misled by God. Have you ever felt such anguish in your faith journey? Have you ever questioned God’s intentions or whether he was even listening?

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Jeremiah 20:1-6 – A Suffering Servant in a Fallen World

Read Jeremiah 20:1-6

statue's outstretched arm

What is the focus of our reading today? Is it the public suffering of Jeremiah or is it another example of how far God’s people have fallen? Both seem to be powerful. Especially when you remember that Jeremiah was a real person. What went through his mind as he was being beaten?

I couldn’t help but let my mind go to brutal scenes of Jesus’ own whipping. He is now referred to as being the ideal “Suffering Servant.” Isaiah, a prophet years before Jeremiah wrote about Jesus in Isaiah 32:13-14, “See, my servant will prosper; he will be highly exalted. But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.”

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Jeremiah 19:1-15 – Like a Smashed Pot

Read Jeremiah 19:1-15

broken pot with plants inside on ladder

I marvel again at Jeremiah’s obedience to God. Each time God uses him for a new teachable moment Jeremiah continues to listen and follow. Those are two great ways we can stay connected with God. We need to listen and follow!

The visual God used this time was a shattered pot. Part of the message was seeing Jeremiah smash the pot to make a point. God’s intention was to give the people a surprise hoping that would catch their attention. It would have been a bit of a spectacle to have a man ranting and raving and then breaking a jar. Whether people saw him as crazy or not didn’t seem to matter. Jeremiah obeyed God.

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Jeremiah 18:18-23 – Watch Out!

Read Jeremiah 18:18-23

dogs play fighting

“Watch out, Jeremiah! They are out to get you. And your bitterness is not far behind!” Jeremiah has every right to be emotional about this. His life has turned upside down since God chose him to bring the message of doom to his people. Jeremiah chose obedience to God and did not turn his back like so many. His faithfulness was seen by God.

Now we see the “ugly” side of being a prophet. I might even extend that “ugliness” to any of us who have served God in ministry. From my firsthand experience in that area, I’d have to say the blessings are so much in excess of anything “ugly.” That’s probably Jeremiah’s experience, too, until now when his audience is plotting against him.

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Jeremiah 18:1-17 – A Lump of Clay

Read Jeremiah 18:1-17

potter's hands forming clay on wheel

Have you ever thought of yourself as a lump of clay in the hands of a master potter, the Creator? This passage shows us Jeremiah’s obedience to follow God’s voice all the way to a potter’s shop. We also see how God uses this example to point out exactly how accessible his control is over our lives. For the most part, God leaves us to figure things out, but he always has our best interest in mind.

In the case of Jeremiah’s first audience, their actions had tarnished the relationship with the Creator. Their rebellious actions had angered God severely. Jeremiah tells again how God sees his children’s rejection and what will result.

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