Jeremiah 17:19-27 – Keep the Sabbath Holy

Read Jeremiah 17:19-27

stone tablets with Exodus 20:8 quoted to Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Keeping the sabbath holy is an act of obedience, and obedience leads to life. God wants to be the center of our world and setting aside this one day for him is not too much to ask. Is it? You can read in Exodus 31:12-17 where God gave Moses instructions about the Sabbath.

As I was reflecting on today’s reading in Jeremiah, it struck me that the idea of honoring the Sabbath would be so foreign to God’s disobedient children. It doesn’t seem very likely many were keeping the Sabbath at all. Yet, this is God’s message, and it speaks as a reminder of his hopes for his people.

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Jeremiah 17:1-18 – Trust in the Lord

Read Jeremiah 17:1-18

two hands extending toward a bright light in the shape of a cross

We may not be the initial audience Jeremiah was preaching to, but we can still glean important messages that will help us on our own faith journeys. That’s the beauty of God’s word. It is alive and continues to bring wisdom. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of who is talking, Jeremiah or God. It’s helpful to remember when it’s Jeremiah, there are no quotation marks.

Instead of focusing on what the people in Jeremiah’s time were doing wrong, let’s focus on what God says will please him. “But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.” We were just talking about confidence in our last reading!

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Jeremiah 16:19-21 – A Prayer of Confidence

Read Jeremiah 16:19-21

prayer with hand raised to sun's rays

Do you ever doubt yourself or what you are doing? That used to be a constant state of living for me when I was in an abusive relationship. It doesn’t take someone else to make us question our choices, we often do a fine job of that on our own, especially if we’ve gotten “burned” before.

This reading starts with a statement that we’ve probably heard before out of context. Now we can see and understand the full beauty of this text. “Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!” Jeremiah recognized the source of his provision and protection. From what we’ve been reading, we can only imagine how weak Jeremiah felt.

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Jeremiah 16:1-18 – Just Wait!

Read Jeremiah 16:1-18

stop light with red light illuminated

How good are you at waiting? I’m getting better myself. But I’ve been known to avoid stop lights at all costs, choosing to take alternate routes. It’s silly, I admit. Don’t get me started with grocery lines. I inevitably choose the wrong line. Shortest doesn’t always mean fastest!

Jeremiah is being told to not marry or have children “in this place.” It doesn’t say “ever”, so Jeremiah knows that that sort of relationship is going to have to wait. Jeremiah is already waiting for all of God’s messages to come true. All the destruction Jeremiah has been preaching about is about to come. How do you think it feels to be waiting for something like that?

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Jeremiah 15:1-21 – What a Conversation!

Read Jeremiah 15:1-21

woman talking on the phone with a planner and coffee cup in front of her

Can you imagine having such a conversation with God? How wonderful for us that Jeremiah’s scribe has memorialized this for us. There is a wealth of wisdom packed into these verses. What spoke to your heart most?

God is clearly speaking to Jeremiah about the inevitable doom that is about to befall God’s children. Jeremiah’s honesty about what he’s feeling is refreshing. He’s worried about his own future, and he lays it out there before God.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 15:1-21 – What a Conversation!”

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