Jeremiah 21:11-14 – False Sense of Security

Read Jeremiah 21:11-14

hands outstretched pointing toward bright light in shape of a cross

Here’s the “out” for the royal family. If only the king had heard this simple message of how the wrongs could be made right. “Give justice each morning to the people you judge! Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors.” I can just imagine the abuse of the hierarchy that was happening at the time Jeremiah spoke these words.

No matter when God was delivering this message, he wanted the leaders of his people to be just. The temptation to abuse the power given to them goes without saying. We see how powerful people in our day take advantage of those less fortunate. It’s almost despicable that such social order chasms still exist.

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Micah 4:6-13 – God’s in Charge

Read Micah 4:6-13

a pocket watch with the word FOREVER written on it

The generous and universal hope given in our last reading is again focused on the people of Judah, particularly in Jerusalem. There is hope for a return from the exile that hasn’t happened yet. This text seems to flip back and forth between judgment and rescue; however, it is regarded as an oracle of salvation.

The people must have thought Micah was crazy when he mentioned Babylon. While we know the Babylonians were the empire to take down Judah, at the time Micah said these words Babylon was not a power to be feared. This promised exile would have sounded a bit foolish to Micah’s audience. What effect do you think that had on Micah’s credibility?

Continue reading “Micah 4:6-13 – God’s in Charge”

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