The generous and universal hope given in our last reading is again focused on the people of Judah, particularly in Jerusalem. There is hope for a return from the exile that hasn’t happened yet. This text seems to flip back and forth between judgment and rescue; however, it is regarded as an oracle of salvation.
The people must have thought Micah was crazy when he mentioned Babylon. While we know the Babylonians were the empire to take down Judah, at the time Micah said these words Babylon was not a power to be feared. This promised exile would have sounded a bit foolish to Micah’s audience. What effect do you think that had on Micah’s credibility?
The line that jumped out for me was this. “But they do not know the LORD’s thoughts or understand his plan.” I don’t think we can ever truly understand God’s plan. We certainly can’t begin to know what the LORD is thinking. Our comprehension doesn’t allow that. Instead, we can only tremble at the thought of being cared for by the LORD. We should seek to follow God’s plan for even though we may not understand it, we can be confident it is the best plan for our life!
Would you agree that many people take God for granted? Some will dismiss God all together, not daring to acknowledge a power so great. How about you? Are you ready to embrace a relationship with God, the one who both wounds and heals?
I’m sometimes troubled by the fact that today Jerusalem is a center for world religions, not just Christianity or Judaism. How do I reconcile what I see here when I know where things stand today? We should focus on the fact the salvation God promises lies in the restoration of the “kingdom” itself. God is the ruler over all things!
When we allow ourselves to acknowledge our weakness and welcome God’s strength to infiltrate our life, mighty things happen. God is in charge. While we might not always agree with him and wish things had gone differently, it doesn’t take long to realize his way was better.
Are you facing a big decision or an unbearable situation? Do you wish God would give you a message about what the outcome is going to be so that you can cling to that hope during the trial? The people hearing Micah’s words were given that hope. We also have God’s promises to cling to.
We can find our own hope in Jesus Christ. The answer to pretty much all of life’s struggles is held in or by Jesus. I heard once that we read “fear not” in the Bible 365 times! That’s one reminder per day! I haven’t counted myself, so I can’t be sure of that figure. Accurate or not, it’s a good reminder to imagine Jesus whispering that message of comfort in our ear so we’ll be listening.
Remember what King David said as he was facing opposition from the Philistines. In Psalm 56:4 he says, “I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” I love that, don’t you. We can get so caught up in our struggle that we forget we’re not alone and God’s faithfulness is sure.
When we let go and let God, we find freedom.

Let’s pray. Lord, I pray that you will forgive me for those times when I let the troubles of this world overtake me and cause me to question everything I know to be true. Give me the assurance I need to trust you completely. Thank you for all of the blessings you share with me and the battles you fight on my behalf. I am in awe of you and how you are in control of all things. Guide me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.