Haggai 2:10-19 – Receive God’s Blessing

Read Haggai 2:10-19

The Book of Haggai gets specific with its dates more than most Bible prophets. If I were to receive a word from God to share with people like Haggai, I’d want to memorialize the encounter by keeping track of what date that miracle took place. Knowing the date confirms “when” God spoke and makes it easier to remember and celebrate! Like having a birthday – we intentionally celebrate that on a specific date.

God wants us to celebrate him so that he can celebrate us. This prophecy would suggest that God is looking at our actions as well as our inner souls. When is the last time you celebrated God? Maybe you can look back and see his fingerprints over a particular situation. I do that all the time and stand amazed.

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Haggai 1:12-15 – Listen to God

Read Haggai 1:12-15

We’re given another exact date in our text, and it’s roughly three weeks after the one in our last reading. Even if it took a little time, I liked how the leaders paid attention to Haggai and didn’t ignore the message from God. I imagine they were delighted to hear God had not abandoned them. Even better, they had received clear instructions. After their time of deliberating, they got to work.

What do you think it was about that message in our last reading that really stirred them? Maybe it was those clear instructions! I always like when I get confirmation from God that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Just as precious, when I get off course, I always appreciate the correction—but perhaps not right away.

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Zephaniah 2:1-3 – Act Now!

Read Zephaniah 2:1-3

What does repentance look like? Zephaniah shows us in today’s reading. This is not only meant for the remnant of faithful ones who are wanting to stay true to God in the days before the exile, but to us as well. The prescription for living is not hard, unless you have a hard time humbling yourself and being obedient to God’s will.

Many will choose the independence this world offers. The evil one wants us to believe there is freedom in those choices. Rather, it’s a death sentence with no hope for eternity. Is it hard for you to humbly obey God?

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Jeremiah 43:1-13 – Choosing the Dud!

Read Jeremiah 43:1-13

looking down on feet on the street with arrows going straight or turning left or right

Do you remember the show, “Let’s Make a Deal”? The premise was that there were always a few good deals but many more duds. People had to make choices without having any idea which was which. The people hearing Jeremiah’s words had a choice before them: stay put with God’s blessing or leave for Egypt and face doom. They knew which was the “dud” but chose it anyway.

The people wanted to do their own thing so much they made the bad assumption Jeremiah was lying about what God said. Anybody who knows Jeremiah’s character would also know he would never give false testimony. I’m sure there were plenty of times when Jeremiah would rather have delivered an entirely different message. God knew from the beginning Jeremiah would be a reliable one to speak for him.

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1 Timothy 6:11-16 – Take Action!

Read 1 Timothy 6:11-16

man jumping from cliff to cliff

Paul’s first letter to Timothy has cautioned his young friend about relationships and leadership roles as well as certain things to be careful of in starting a new church. Now Paul encourages action. Our faith needs to move! I love how Paul recognizes Timothy as a man of God. Isn’t that how we’d like to be seen by our mentors and friends?

It would be easy to sit back and reap the benefits of having a relationship with Jesus. But we are called to move as well. Jesus gave us our marching papers when he told us to make disciples!

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