Numbers 14:1-25 – When We Rebel

Read Numbers 14:1-25

How brave are you when venturing into the unknown? I think of Abraham and Sarah leaving all that was familiar to follow God’s leading. Even closer to home, I remember packing up our Prius with the necessities of life and our four dogs and crossing the border into Mexico.

It’s natural to be wary of new things. But I think Moses’ crowd of followers went a little overboard in their dramatic rebellion! I felt sorry for Moses and Aaron who “fell face down on the ground,” no doubt questioning everything about their leadership, feeling like they had let the people down. Continue reading “Numbers 14:1-25 – When We Rebel”

Ezekiel 47:1-12 – What a Miracle!

Read Ezekiel 47:1-12

Remember the east gate contains the presence of God. That means the water Ezekiel sees is flowing from God himself. As such, that is some pretty holy water that becomes a rushing river. What a miracle!

This water begins as a shallow stream becoming deeper every 1000 cubits (1,750 feet). The significance of what was being revealed to Ezekiel about this deepening is unclear to me. Perhaps the meaning was hidden to Ezekiel as well. Then the man asked Ezekiel, “Have you been watching, son of man?” Suddenly, Ezekiel notices the trees growing alongside this waterway. Continue reading “Ezekiel 47:1-12 – What a Miracle!”

Haggai 1:12-15 – Listen to God

Read Haggai 1:12-15

We’re given another exact date in our text, and it’s roughly three weeks after the one in our last reading. Even if it took a little time, I liked how the leaders paid attention to Haggai and didn’t ignore the message from God. I imagine they were delighted to hear God had not abandoned them. Even better, they had received clear instructions. After their time of deliberating, they got to work.

What do you think it was about that message in our last reading that really stirred them? Maybe it was those clear instructions! I always like when I get confirmation from God that I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Just as precious, when I get off course, I always appreciate the correction—but perhaps not right away.

Continue reading “Haggai 1:12-15 – Listen to God”

Hebrews 4:14-5:10 – Our High Priest

Read Hebrews 4:14-5:10

The idea of having a High Priest is a bit foreign to most of us because of what Jesus did for us. But the Preacher’s audience of Jews would have encountered a high priest regularly at festivals and animal sacrifices. A high priest was needed to cleanse their sins, up until 70 AD when animal sacrifice stopped. This reading does a good job of explaining the importance of what a high priest does for the people.

To be a high priest was a great honor given only by God. Even Jesus didn’t assume that would be his role despite fitting the criteria perfectly. It seems having the awareness of human weakness was important for the high priest. Until Jesus, even the high priests fell prey to sin and would have to cleanse themselves.

Continue reading “Hebrews 4:14-5:10 – Our High Priest”

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