Mark 10:46-52 – I Want to See!

Read Mark 10:46-52

Meet Bartimaeus, the blind beggar from our reading. We don’t often get an introduction by name to those whom Jesus healed. There must have been something special about Bartimaeus that stood out. Forever we will remember Bartimaeus and his bold faith.

What can we learn from Bartimaeus or how Jesus responded to him? Bartimaeus was determined. He knew what he wanted and was insistent. He knew Jesus was the answer. He didn’t let the people trying to keep him quiet win, he only shouted louder. Jesus rewarded this man’s persistence, called out his great faith, and healed him.

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1 Peter 4:1-6 – When Suffering is Better

Read 1 Peter 4:1-6

None of us looks forward to suffering. However, when we suffer on account of our faith in Christ, it is so much better than the alternative of being lost in our sin. Our suffering will not last forever, but our future with Christ never ends. If we chose to stay stuck in our sin, carousing with our friends like we used to, we would miss out on the great inheritance Jesus is preparing for us.

When we live for God, Peter tells us we’ll need to expect suffering, just like Jesus did. This isn’t the only passage in the Bible that warns us about suffering and staying strong. I appreciate that we are told up front what to expect. Nobody can claim to be surprised when we encounter suffering.

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Hebrews 11:32-40 – Bold Faith

Read Hebrews 11:32-40

What a great trip down memory lane this has been! The common denominator for all the hero stories we’ve been reminded of is faith. Bold faith. These people were not always popular, but putting their trust in God was what they valued more than anything. “By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them.” Don’t ever forget to look back and take note of others who have gone before you! There is a lot of encouragement and wisdom there!

Now for a startling reality! Without God, we are weak. Thankfully, in our weakness, God steps in and gives us strength. Do you have faith enough to believe that? Think about the examples the Preacher has given us. “Their weakness was turned to strength.” How did that happen? Bold faith in a God that loves to provide for his faithful children!

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Hebrews 10:32-39 – Confidence in God

Read Hebrews 10:32-39

When I started reading this passage, I immediately remembered my first memories of hearing about Jesus as a wide-eyed child. And then the Preacher yanked me into a dark place, recalling the persecution the faithful endured in his day. That was a profound moment to reflect on the differences in how we first experienced Jesus.

It’s certainly a good reminder to count our blessings. It’s way too easy to take the love of God for granted and forget he wants to be in relationship with us. The more we learn about God through his word, the more confidence we have in him and our faith is strengthened.

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Jeremiah 26:1-24 – Being Threatened

Read Jeremiah 26:1-24

graphic showing no rumors no cyberbullying no teasing no threats

Everybody loves a good story. We took a little diversion today with Jeremiah’s story of being threatened for doing the very thing God told him to do. Couldn’t you just picture the scene unfolding? It was bound to happen considering the unpleasant nature of message Jeremiah was preaching in front of the Temple.

This story comes years before Babylon comes to tear down Jerusalem. However, Jeremiah has been preaching God’s messages since King Josiah was reigning. Jeremiah will continue to prophesy about the fate of God’s people all the way up until the Babylonians conquer Jerusalem.

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