Revelation 13:1-10 – Meet the Beast

Read Revelation 13:1-10

I’m pretty sure that everyone who reads Revelation is waiting to meet the beast. Not really “meet” as in a face to face encounter, but it’s who we’ve been expecting to see. There is a lot of attention given to the beast, so let’s figure out what we can about him.

We know that as Chapter 12 came to an end, the dragon was waiting for him. The text in 12:18 read, “Then he stood waiting on the shore of the sea.” We didn’t know then what the dragon was waiting for. But the fact that John’s vision included that gave me pause to wonder “waiting for what?” People often wait for “their ship to come in,” an idiom for the anticipation of success or wealth. Surely after his defeat in heaven, the dragon (Satan) was waiting for success.

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Revelation 12:1-18 – Angel Battle

Read Revelation 12:1-18

Today’s reading could be out of one of the popular super hero movies of our day. Can’t you just picture all the special effects?! And if you were in John’s time, you might be thinking more along the lines of the dragon, Python who was chasing Leto, the mother of Apollo. The images in today’s reading open up Act 2 of Revelation. We saw Act 1 conclude as Chapter 11 came to a magnificent conclusion with victory! Today we see how the battle between good and evil has been ongoing. We might even think our reading today as a flashback.

It’s helpful to keep in mind Revelation does not exist on a time line. We are to glean wisdom to prepare ourselves for our own battles with evil. When you read today’s passage, did you see the virgin Mary as the pregnant woman? She was certainly blessed among women. The nativity looks a lot different in this account, a totally different representation of the incarnation. It’s like a behind the scenes glimpse of what happened when God took on flesh as an infant. There was a war in heaven going on.

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Revelation 11:15-19 – Forever and Ever

Read Revelation 11:15-19

I was expecting the final trumpet to bring about something horrible. Weren’t you? Instead, there is rejoicing in heaven. God’s kingdom has fully come! We read, “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” The Book of Revelation could end right here. Since it doesn’t we know there is more to come. What happens next?

The victory has been won! Will we see how the people on earth respond? Will those “of the world” finally repent? Will the faithful be rescued at last?

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Revelation 11:1-14 – We are the Temple

Read Revelation 11:1-14

This is quite the passage full of images, numbers, and a strong message. Many have wanted to take this literally and found ways to connect it to many Old and New Testament stories. Others simply see the beauty in the message God intends for us.

We’ll start by thinking about the temple John is supposed to measure. If you’re not up on your history, the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. So, at the time John was being given these visions, the temple would have laid in ruin. Think back to Revelation 3:12. Christ promised the faithful would be made into pillars in the temple of God. And, in 1 Corinthians 3:16, Paul asks, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple?” The temple, then, could represent faithful Christ followers. We are the temple.

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Revelation 10:1-11 – Devour It

Read Revelation 10:1-11

I think what really stuck out to me today was when the angel told John to eat the scroll. I may have even laughed out loud at just picturing that happening. Thoughts of using an excuse like “the dog ate my homework” flitted through my mind. The thought of actually eating it was a bit surprising to me. But Ezekiel was told to eat a scroll when he was being called and commissioned in Chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Ezekiel.

But what does that say to us? To truly take something in, all the way in, we need to digest it. We devour a whole plate of food, or an ice cream cone covered in chocolate sauce and sprinkles. It is definitely sweet going down. But what happens when it gets into our stomachs? Have you ever overeaten and then felt miserable afterwards? That’s what I imagine John was feeling after eating the scroll.

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