I was expecting the final trumpet to bring about something horrible. Weren’t you? Instead, there is rejoicing in heaven. God’s kingdom has fully come! We read, “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” The Book of Revelation could end right here. Since it doesn’t we know there is more to come. What happens next?
The victory has been won! Will we see how the people on earth respond? Will those “of the world” finally repent? Will the faithful be rescued at last?
The elders, full of praise and thanksgiving give us a glimpse. “It is time to judge the dead and reward your servants the prophets, as well as your holy people, and all who fear your name, from the least to the greatest. It is time to destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth.” This is the moment we have all been waiting for. The happily ever after for those close to God.
And then, like an encore, we see the Ark! If we had any idea where it was, we know it’s safely in heaven awaiting this moment of unveiling. Close your eyes and imagine this sight. “The Temple of God was opened and the Ark of his covenant could be seen inside the Temple. Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and roared, and there was an earthquake and a terrible hailstorm.”
My heart is pattering just a bit faster. What an exciting moment for the faithful. We are currently living in the end times. How do I know? Because everything after Jesus, while we await his return, is considered the end times. As we patiently wait for our face to face encounter with Jesus, we live in awestruck anticipation. I love that.
Sometimes we can get caught up in what’s happening around us in the here and now. We’re in the “in between times” so good and bad are fighting it out around us. Sometimes we become complacent and let the “world” invade our lives. The Book of Revelation is that beautiful gift reminding us to be careful. Be ready. Be on alert for evil to creep in and steal our joy.
It’s the forever and ever that we long for. We all do. But there are some people that don’t know what that burning inside is all about. They haven’t figured it out. It’s the Holy Spirit prompting us, guiding us, burning inside us to make us hungry for more of God. For a forever and ever with him! What are we doing to help them know God?
Take some time today to just rest in the joy of your salvation. Deeply breathe in the truth that all that is around you will someday pass away and all that remains is God’s perfect destiny for us. Think on that when your joy starts to fade–when the problems of the world try to stifle our confidence in Jesus’ victory.

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I let the negative situations around me in the world cause me to tremble with uncertainty. I know your victory has been won. Help me to keep my focus on you and your promise. Thank you for your gift of grace and your promise for a happily ever after, forever, with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.