Today’s reading could be out of one of the popular super hero movies of our day. Can’t you just picture all the special effects?! And if you were in John’s time, you might be thinking more along the lines of the dragon, Python who was chasing Leto, the mother of Apollo. The images in today’s reading open up Act 2 of Revelation. We saw Act 1 conclude as Chapter 11 came to a magnificent conclusion with victory! Today we see how the battle between good and evil has been ongoing. We might even think our reading today as a flashback.
It’s helpful to keep in mind Revelation does not exist on a time line. We are to glean wisdom to prepare ourselves for our own battles with evil. When you read today’s passage, did you see the virgin Mary as the pregnant woman? She was certainly blessed among women. The nativity looks a lot different in this account, a totally different representation of the incarnation. It’s like a behind the scenes glimpse of what happened when God took on flesh as an infant. There was a war in heaven going on.
I’ll never forget our first Christmas in Mexico. I remember asking David why all the nativity scenes had a figure of the devil. Sure the shepherds were there as witness to the birth, and the kings, and animals, but why the devil. Growing up, I had never seen that before. David told me about this chapter in Revelation. Then we attended a play put on by some youth at the Lutheran Mission Church we were attending Guadalajara. Again, the devil had a huge role in the story. I was blown away.
Now, as I read and reflect on today’s passage, I am even more touched by the whole notion. It totally makes sense that Satan would want to stop God from coming to earth. Satan was trying to attack and trick Jesus from the get go. His intent was to snatch the baby and prevent God’s reign in heaven and on earth.
We know that Satan’s defeat in heaven cast him to earth to dwell. “This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.” He was certainly not a happy camper about that, I’m sure. He has been wreaking havoc on us ever since. We have the perfect model to follow when Jesus stood his ground in the wilderness as the crafty devil tried to get him off course.
Just as I believe the woman represents Mary at the beginning of this passage, at the end, she signifies us all as followers of Christ. We are the “rest of her children.” “And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus.” We are going to face battles. This story represents people from all ages who have encountered the devil in one form or another. The battle rages on here on earth.
Do we have angels, like Michael, fighting for us, too? I believe we do. I read a book years ago about that very thing. (“This Present Darkness” by Frank Peretti) Of course, the book depicted the good and bad angels warring around us, unseen. At first, I found that a bit unsettling, but as I was drawn into the the book, I began to hope and pray that there were indeed angels fighting on my behalf, lurking and waiting to pounce to protect me.
We don’t have to fear the devil. We know that Christ has secured the victory for his people. Satan doesn’t have power because he is invincible, he is not; he has power because we are vulnerable. It is our faith in God that will shield us and keep us strong. We can have confidence that while we, as faithful ones, may suffer, we have the final victory in Christ. We need to cling to that no matter what during times of adversity.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you I can rest in you and your gift of grace and mercy. No matter what is happening around me, I know that my future is safe in your arms. Help me endure the testing and trials of the “world” around me. I want to stay strong and focused on you and your love for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.