Revelation 16:1-21 – Bowls of Wrath

Read Revelation 16:1-21

We have been watching the pattern of 7’s. We have also seen how God set limits. Complete destruction was not allowed. With this vision, however, there is no holding back. This was the complete unleashing of God’s wrath on those following evil. We even see that they cursed God for bringing these plagues upon them, rather than repent and seek salvation.

The function of these visions is not necessarily to give us an exact picture of what is going to happen in the final days. Instead, we are given a sneak peek into God’s intentions, and we can either be stubborn like those being afflicted or be true followers of Christ ready to receive the life God intends for us.

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Revelation 15:1-8 – We Are Conquerors

Read Revelation 15:1-8

When you are told to watch something or listen to something because it is of great significance, you probably lean in just a little bit more. Many of us can probably relate to when a friend shares a juicy tip about a new restaurant or sale at the mall. John is opening today’s passage saying this is a “marvelous event of great significance.” Time to pay attention!

Again, John takes us back to the throne room, and we are in the presence of those who have conquered evil. They are standing on a crystal sea singing their hearts out. They are all in for God, and their song of praise brings glory to God and to him alone. God has given them each a harp, a tangible reminder of their victory in Christ.

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Revelation 14:14-20 – The Harvest

Read Revelation 14:14-20

I have not often pictured myself being “harvested” but that is the term being used here to signify what is going to happen to God’s people at the right moment. We are going to be separated out from those of the world and returned to God. It is the very time we are waiting for. As Christians, we need not fear judgment day. Again, remember that Revelation is not on a timeline. This judgment day vision is sort of in the middle of things as a reminder Jesus is coming for us.

Evil is running rampant in our world as I write this. We are seeing a deadly virus, mobs and riots everywhere, and crime and corruption around every corner. Reading through Revelation during this time, or really any time in history, is very helpful. From what we have read so far, we know that God is in control. We know that God “allows” evil in the world. We know that God will set limits, even when it seems impossible. Remember Jesus’ words, “With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). 

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Revelation 14:1-13 – Blessed and Redeemed

Read Revelation 14:1-13

Remember the Beatitudes from Matthew’s gospel? Today we see the 2nd in the similar blessings of Jesus coming to us in Revelation. I didn’t recognize the first one in Revelation 1:3, “God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near.” In today’s passage, in verse 13, “Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from their hard work; for their good deeds follow them!”

Why do we have more “beatitudes” (there will be a total of seven in Revelation)? Don’t you think Jesus knew his followers would need more encouragement all those years later? These new blessings were directed first to the seven churches we read about when we began our journey through Revelation.  Jesus’ new blessings reinvigorate His followers to hold on and to realize that, while it’s not always easy to be a Christian, it would be worth it! In other words, “stay the course!”

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Revelation 13:11-13 – The Demonic Trinity

Read Revelation 13:11-13

Sheep in wolf's clothing

The dragon now has another agent to help with his corruption of the world. It’s a little creepy how we see the formation of a demonic trinity here. Did you notice the attempts to “appear” similar to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Look closely. But these creatures truly represent false prophets because true prophets will lead people to God the Father, not a dragon or beast set on destruction.

It was in today’s passage that the “famous” mark of the beast is revealed. I say famous because it seems like most people associate the number 666 with the book of Revelation. Many times, that’s all people really know about the book. Yet they don’t truly understand what it means. And did you notice in the footnotes that some manuscripts record it as 616 instead of 666?

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