When you are told to watch something or listen to something because it is of great significance, you probably lean in just a little bit more. Many of us can probably relate to when a friend shares a juicy tip about a new restaurant or sale at the mall. John is opening today’s passage saying this is a “marvelous event of great significance.” Time to pay attention!
Again, John takes us back to the throne room, and we are in the presence of those who have conquered evil. They are standing on a crystal sea singing their hearts out. They are all in for God, and their song of praise brings glory to God and to him alone. God has given them each a harp, a tangible reminder of their victory in Christ.
Notice how they aren’t patting each other on the back for this victory. The message we can take from this alone is one we shouldn’t miss and should certainly pay attention to. We are never going to overcome evil by our own power. For us to be conquerors, we need to rely on God’s power and his deliverance. Our faithfulness will be tested, and we need to stand strong.
What a beautiful song. Don’t you just love the lyrics? “Great and marvelous are your works, O Lord God, the Almighty. Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations. Who will not fear you, Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous deeds have been revealed.” Having read through Revelation to this point, I feel like I have a deeper connection to God simply by knowing his plans, sensing his love for his people (particularly me), and seeing how he allows yet limits the atrocities of life.
But there is a bit of foreboding here. Along with the conquerors, John sees seven angels who have come forth with the final seven plagues that will bring God’s wrath to a conclusion. Our pattern has always been rejoicing followed by destruction. We see that pattern starting to take shape with the opening of the temple. One of the four living beings then hands over to each of the angels “a gold bowl filled with the wrath of God.”
We know this time of celebration is about to end when God’s wrath is completed. There have been plenty of opportunities for the non-believers to see and fear God. After all, God wants everyone to join him in heaven. He didn’t have to give the unfaithful so many opportunities to repent and return to him. He could have left them to their own demise. But we know our God is loving, and He desires a relationship with us. He won’t push his way into our lives, but he will send messages.
Have you been listening for God to speak to you? What is he saying? Listen carefully and have your eyes wide open as you look for God’s messages to give you hope and security.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you reach out and speak to me. Forgive me when my head gets so crowded with thoughts, worries, tasks, etc. that I miss hearing your voice. Calm my heart and prepare me to receive your message and take action on your plan for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.