I have not often pictured myself being “harvested” but that is the term being used here to signify what is going to happen to God’s people at the right moment. We are going to be separated out from those of the world and returned to God. It is the very time we are waiting for. As Christians, we need not fear judgment day. Again, remember that Revelation is not on a timeline. This judgment day vision is sort of in the middle of things as a reminder Jesus is coming for us.
Evil is running rampant in our world as I write this. We are seeing a deadly virus, mobs and riots everywhere, and crime and corruption around every corner. Reading through Revelation during this time, or really any time in history, is very helpful. From what we have read so far, we know that God is in control. We know that God “allows” evil in the world. We know that God will set limits, even when it seems impossible. Remember Jesus’ words, “With God all things are possible“ (Matthew 19:26).
I’m not so sure about the wine press and what we’re supposed to take from this vision. The sin in our world today is certainly “ripe.” If the wine press is said to be God’s wrath, I would understand the grapes to be the sins of the people. Does this include all people, including those who have remained faithful to God? After all, we all sin. We are not immune just because we are Christ followers. It would make sense that all our sins would be crushed like grapes being trampled.
Our call is to see Christ and take our courage and comfort in Him and not in the situation. It doesn’t matter what we may be facing in our personal lives, not to mention in the community and world. We are not alone in our suffering or struggle.
We could also see this passage being about reaping what we have sown. We can reap God’s love, goodness, and reward, or His judgment and punishment. God doesn’t make people evil. He doesn’t cultivate despair. His promises are rich and full of blessing.
What are you taking in these days? Are you letting the news cripple you? Are you letting it steal your joy? I know I was for a long time. It can be too much to bear. I am now focusing more on the promises of God. His grace and mercy is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. That’s what I want and desire, so I do my best to avoid the rest, the ugliness of this world. It will be there whether I look at it and let it control me or not. I’d rather let God be in control of me and seek to do his will.
Take some time to let God’s wisdom speak to your heart and calm your soul.

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my distractions. I struggle with letting the ugliness of the world fill my head and keep me in a downward spiral. Help me to see the beauty all around me. You have promised to rescue us from the terrors of the world. Show me your will for my life. Come, Lord Jesus. In your precious name we pray. Amen.