Mark 12:35-37 – Whose Son?

Read Mark 12:35-37

This is an interesting little passage, didn’t you think? Nestled away between all the teachings Jesus is sharing with the people and with his disciples on his final journey toward the cross. This time, Mark tells us the message was proclaimed to the people. We have the honor to be able to hear Jesus’ teaching whether it’s to the “people” or to his closest disciples.

The crowd is delighted. I wondered about that word. Were they delighted just to be in Jesus’ presence? Perhaps they were honored that Jesus had asked them a question. Jesus wanted to know what they thought about a certain teaching of the religious leaders. A teaching about the Messiah, about Jesus himself. It’s always good to know your audience and how they understand such important matters.

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Mark 10:46-52 – I Want to See!

Read Mark 10:46-52

Meet Bartimaeus, the blind beggar from our reading. We don’t often get an introduction by name to those whom Jesus healed. There must have been something special about Bartimaeus that stood out. Forever we will remember Bartimaeus and his bold faith.

What can we learn from Bartimaeus or how Jesus responded to him? Bartimaeus was determined. He knew what he wanted and was insistent. He knew Jesus was the answer. He didn’t let the people trying to keep him quiet win, he only shouted louder. Jesus rewarded this man’s persistence, called out his great faith, and healed him.

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Mark 10:35-45 – Serving Others

Read Mark 10:35-45

Jesus takes advantage of another teachable moment to let his disciples know their mission is all about serving, not being served. The disciples seem to be having a hard time understanding their purpose. That’s a lesson many of us need to hear over and over as well.

Our world is a very competitive place. It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to win and forget our true mission in life. It’s not that God doesn’t want us to succeed, but we need to keep in mind how many kinds of rewards there are. The reward or prize we need to keep our eyes focused on is eternity with Jesus. There is nothing greater. James and John knew that and were even seeking a place of honor beside Jesus!

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Mark 10:32-34 – A Third Time

Read Mark 10:32-34

Jesus gives his disciples a little more detail about what is going to happen to him. Jesus is doing his best to prepare them so that when the time comes, they aren’t blindsided or overtaken by fear.

What did you notice about this passion prediction? Jesus was walking ahead of them, leading the way to Jerusalem. I’m sure all of them knew the way, but the text lets us know that Jesus is out front. Jesus knows exactly what he is walking into when they get to Jerusalem, and this is his third attempt to get his followers to understand, too.

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Mark 10:17-31 – Are You Rich?

Read Mark 10:17-31

Are you clinging to possessions you have acquired in this life, like the rich man who wanted to follow Jesus but felt sad because of his riches? What if you were told to leave everything behind and walk away to follow Jesus? Could you do it?

I’ve always puzzled over Jesus’ words, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” If you’ve ever tried to thread a needle, trying to get that pesky thread through the needle’s eye, you know how tricky it can be. Imagine a camel doing the same feat as the thread! A camel!

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