Mark 10:32-34 – A Third Time

cross on the hill with sunset oranges behind

Read Mark 10:32-34

Jesus gives his disciples a little more detail about what is going to happen to him. Jesus is doing his best to prepare them so that when the time comes, they aren’t blindsided or overtaken by fear.

What did you notice about this passion prediction? Jesus was walking ahead of them, leading the way to Jerusalem. I’m sure all of them knew the way, but the text lets us know that Jesus is out front. Jesus knows exactly what he is walking into when they get to Jerusalem, and this is his third attempt to get his followers to understand, too.

Jesus was in just the right spot, ahead of his disciples leading the way. He’s in that same position with us, giving us the blueprint for life in his teachings. As followers of Christ, we get the privilege to follow in his footsteps, serving and loving  others.

Let’s focus on the mission part of this scene. Jesus knew his purpose and didn’t run the other way or try to change the course of events. He seems to accept his fate at this moment. Yet, I can’t help but imagine what emotions must have been coursing through Jesus’ soul with each step toward Jerusalem. Jesus knew his disciples would really struggle with what was going to happen.

How does it make you feel to see how committed Jesus was to his mission on the cross. That mission was to save you! Jesus’ destiny wasn’t a last-minute strategy. Jesus knew all along what was going to happen to him. The Old Testament prophets provided details and insight, and Jesus was familiar with all of that.

How did the disciples respond this time? They were in awe. They had seen the hostility that was building. They had seen how the religious leaders were always questioning Jesus and his authority. Yet Jesus didn’t seem afraid to face this persecution. The disciples were certainly amazed.

Have you ever been amazed by Jesus? Maybe he spoke to you through the words of Scripture. Maybe you witnessed a healing or other miracle done in Jesus’ name. When God pulls you aside to give you a message, you can be confident that you are being prepared to experience something great!

Take some time today to reflect on how Jesus is preparing you for your mission. Remember that whatever is happening in your life, now and in the future, you can trust the Lord and follow Him into whatever is ahead for you.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you suffered for me. I can’t imagine the agony of knowing that such suffering was coming and still moving toward it. I am in awe of your power over death, and how you rose from the dead just like you said. You are so good and worthy of praise. I worship and adore you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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