Mark 10:35-45 – Serving Others

Read Mark 10:35-45

Jesus takes advantage of another teachable moment to let his disciples know their mission is all about serving, not being served. The disciples seem to be having a hard time understanding their purpose. That’s a lesson many of us need to hear over and over as well.

Our world is a very competitive place. It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to win and forget our true mission in life. It’s not that God doesn’t want us to succeed, but we need to keep in mind how many kinds of rewards there are. The reward or prize we need to keep our eyes focused on is eternity with Jesus. There is nothing greater. James and John knew that and were even seeking a place of honor beside Jesus!

Continue reading “Mark 10:35-45 – Serving Others”

Ruth 2:14-23 – The Family Redeemer

Read Ruth 2:14-23

Ruth had certainly found a wonderful place to be included. Boaz had apparently taken an interest in her having realized who she was. Ruth didn’t know the connection, and her willingness to work hard and be grateful was very pleasing to Boaz I’m sure.  This working relationship appears to have continued beyond this first day to include a whole harvest season. That would be good news for Naomi and Ruth.

Have you ever found yourself in a new situation? Perhaps you have felt unsure of yourself at some time in your life. I think of my first day on a new job. Everything is new. There is so much to learn, people to meet. There is a rush of excitement, too, at the chance for a new beginning. Think back to a time when everything was new and different. You may even remember a little fear thrown in. Fear of the unknown can often cripple us. Continue reading “Ruth 2:14-23 – The Family Redeemer”


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