1 Chronicles 25:1-31 – Musicians’ Duties

Read 1 Chronicles 25:1-31

This was a fun passage for me to read being a musician involved in worship ministry for much of my adult life. You don’t have to be a musician to appreciate David’s intentions. He wanted the house of God to be filled with music! And most of our churches still today use music of one sort or another to accompany times of worship.

When I imagine the sound of these instruments, lyre, cymbals, and harp, it’s an interesting sound. I think of two of the instruments as more mellow sounding, and then comes the crash of the cymbals for effect. I wonder what those instruments were like back in David’s day.

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1 Chronicles 24:1-31 – What Priests Do

Read 1 Chronicles 24:1-31

David continues to make an impact for future generations by instituting more details regarding worship and who does what. I remember the days in ministry when we would create job descriptions for each of our positions. That’s exactly what David is doing here, but he’s taking it a step further. David is identifying the players who will be the first to follow these precepts.

Have you ever been part of a ministry team at your church? Then you can appreciate David’s mission. He is taking away any question about expectations. A ministry team will always be more efficient if the goals and intentions are clear. It appears David remains strong and confident despite the fact his reign is coming to an end. He is bound and determined to set Solomon up for success.

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1 Chronicles 23:1-32 – What Levites Do

Read 1 Chronicles 23:1-32

If you’ve ever wondered who the Levites were and what they do, this is the text for you! Even though David wasn’t the one chosen to build the temple, he wanted to do as much as he could to help the process. It had been his idea in the first place, so I’m sure he had lots of plans going through his head. By putting all of this in motion, he could feel like he had made a difference in more than just his military victories.

The Chronicler doesn’t go into all the details surrounding Solomon’s coronation here. Suffice it to say there was drama surrounding who would become king! You can read more about that in 1 Kings 1-2.

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1 Chronicles 22:1-19 – The Temple

Read 1 Chronicles 22:1-19

Turns out the threshing floor location David purchased for his sacrifice in our last reading will become the eventual building site for the temple. Isn’t it great to see how God works behind the scenes to make things happen? God can and will use our mistakes, brokenness, and sinful decisions for good, turning them into something beautiful.

With this chapter, we are beginning the wind down of David’s reign as he prepares his successor, son Solomon. The material in this closing section of 1 Chronicles is unique to this book. We don’t have any parallel story lines from other Biblical passages. Today we see how David aids Solomon for what God will be doing in his life. Isn’t that what any good father would do, prepare their child for the future?

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1 Chronicles 21:18-30 – Build an Altar

Read 1 Chronicles 21:18-30

In this reading, we learn more about Araunah the Jebusite and the angel of death that was standing by his threshing floor. You may recall in our last reading how at the last minute the Lord called off the angel’s mission of destroying Jerusalem. But the angel remained ready, with his sword drawn, bringing fear to David and Araunah.

For some reason, the angel gave David’s seer, Gad the message to build an altar right there on Araunah’s threshing floor. David was very quick to be obedient. It appears Araunah was also anxious to give the king whatever he asked for. David didn’t want to take advantage of Araunah’s generosity, so payment was made.

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