1 Chronicles 21:1-17 – Satan is Sly

Read 1 Chronicles 21:1-17

Many different characters in today’s reading were affected by Satan’s sly move to divert David’s attention away from God’s will. David was tempted and later repented. Joab was troubled because he knew what he was doing was wrong. Gad brought God’s message of punishment. And thousands of people lost their lives in the plague.

Satan was successful despite David being devoted to God. David’s lapse in judgment was Satan’s opening to bring even more destruction and despair. No wonder we see God’s fury unleashed.

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1 Chronicles 20:1-8 – Battling Giants

Read 1 Chronicles 20:1-8

Reading a chapter like this in the Bible left me wondering, why. Why does the Bible contain so much detail about war? It’s hard to read about war being “normal.” The Chronicler even said, “In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war.” When I think of Spring, I think of budding trees, grass becoming green again, and flowers everywhere.

It’s great to hear how God was with David’s army, bringing one victory after another. But when you think about what war does to a country and all the people involved, it’s a bit heart breaking. We have to remember it’s all part of God’s story.

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1 Chronicles 19:1-19 – Defender

Read 1 Chronicles 19:1-19

David and his army are quite the defenders of their promised land. The skirmishes that we read about in this reading could have been avoided. David’s intentions in giving tribute to an old ally seemed legitimate. Even in David’s day, people in power misunderstood each other and took offensive action.

If only the grieving son, Hanun, had not listened to his commanders. As such, these commanders were on the ready for war, so of course every action, including David sending his sympathy, became a potential act of war. Hanun didn’t skip a beat before gathering some help to defeat David.

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1 Chronicles 18:1-17 – Victory

Read 1 Chronicles 18:1-17

David can’t lose with God by his side. The military victories continue to add up. For each battle, there are casualties. It’s easy to read passages like this and forget that real people shed their blood for these victories to happen.

Some people avoid reading the Old Testament because of all the wars and killing. God had a purpose in all David’s victories, even if we have a hard time understanding. It’s good for us to remember that not every war ever fought was led by God. When God leads us, who are we to question what tactic he uses?

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1 Chronicles 17:16-27 – David Responds in Prayer

Read 1 Chronicles 17:16-27

After receiving the promise from God in our last reading, what was David’s response? Prayer. David was moved and spoke to God in this humble prayer of thanks.

David begins with such humility. “Who am I, O Lord God?” Have you ever felt that way? Perhaps God has revealed to you a plan for your life, and you don’t feel anywhere close to being worthy of such a mission. There is no greater honor, I can tell you, than to be used by God! But how often do we ever feel “ready?”

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