Read 1 Chronicles 17:16-27
After receiving the promise from God in our last reading, what was David’s response? Prayer. David was moved and spoke to God in this humble prayer of thanks.
David begins with such humility. “Who am I, O Lord God?” Have you ever felt that way? Perhaps God has revealed to you a plan for your life, and you don’t feel anywhere close to being worthy of such a mission. There is no greater honor, I can tell you, than to be used by God! But how often do we ever feel “ready?”
Every day we’re each being used by God, in one way or another. As Christ followers, we’re each given the assignment to reflect him well in this world. Our lives become living testimonies. God can use each task, conversation, smile, or good deed we do each day. We may not even know when he does it. We see how David is beyond grateful for the promise and glimpse into the future of his family he’s been given.
When is the last time you had an open and honest conversation with God like David is having here? Has it been too long? Is it time to just lay it all out there and tell God what you’re really feeling right now?
The girls at the orphanage are studying a unit on prayer right now. I love watching them start to fathom what a privilege it is to be able to talk to God. They are just starting to understand more of God’s character and how they fit into his creation.
A privilege indeed! David models for us a great prayer. I especially love when he says this: “O LORD, there is no one like you. We have never even heard of another God like you!” We often forget the “adoration” part of praying. In explaining that to my girls, I said to think of it like telling God how great is. The Lord’s Prayer includes several lines of adoration for us. If Jesus taught us to pray like that, starting with a prayer of adoration for God, then it’s a good model to pay attention to.
Overall, this is a prayer of grateful thanks. David is acknowledging God’s amazing promise. David seems pretty overwhelmed at the honor, wouldn’t you agree? Can you even imagine receiving such a promise from God?
We may not all have had a prophet tell us something from God (although I know plenty of people who have that experience). But we have received promises from God that are great, too. Think of all the promises in the Bible that are given to people who love and trust God? One internet source, the Daily Commercial, said 7,487 promises from God to man. Wow!
Take some time today to pray your own prayer of thanks to God for what he is doing in your life. Invite him in to be more active and listen for his voice.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for how timeless your word is and how marvelous your plan has been for my life. Forgive me for the times I have strayed off course. I, too, feel so blessed and honored to have you with me, going ahead of me, and fighting my battles so I don’t have to. Thank you for each opportunity to shine for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.