Read 1 Chronicles 17:1-15
There are many promises in the Bible, but this is one God made particularly for David. God knew what David needed to hear and used Nathan as his messenger. David was starting to feel guilty that he was living in such a beautiful palace while the Ark, the presence of God lived in a tent. I can understand David’s perspective wanting to honor God.
Judging from the message God gave Nathan, the time for such a grand home had not yet come. God promised David that one of his ancestors would be the one to build this place of honor, the temple. God said, “He is the one who will build a house—a temple—for me. And I will secure his throne forever.” There is a promise within a promise!
Nathan’s oracle promises David an eternal dynasty. God’s message reminds David from where he came. The mighty warrior king, David, was once a simple shepherd boy tending his sheep. What a transformation! God saw something promising in David and he was anointed king while he was still a boy. The Chronicler hints at it but doesn’t share that story with us here.
What spoke to you in this reading? What struck me was how David was about to make plans for a grand home for God’s presence among his people. That was David’s plan. But God intervened to let David know that was not his job. David’s son would be the one in charge of that construction project.
Thankfully Nathan came to the rescue to save David from wasting a lot of time on his “own mission.” I know there have been times in my life when I’ve gotten a bright idea to do something. If only I had had someone like Nathan to come forward with a message from God telling me that wasn’t a good idea. I could have saved myself so much time, effort, and money for going down a path God didn’t intend for me to travel. Can you relate?
I was also troubled a bit by the promise found in verse 9. “And I will provide a homeland for my people Israel, planting them in a secure place where they will never be disturbed. Evil nations won’t oppress them as they’ve done in the past.” This promise must have been for David’s reign, despite saying “never be disturbed.”
The Bible tells of the fall of Jerusalem when the Israelites were taken away and held captive by the Babylonians. Beyond what’s chronicled in the Bible about the conflicts and wars fought by God’s people Israel, history books are full of continued strife for the people of Israel. Present day wars continue to rage in that area of the world.
This promise of this secure, eternal kingdom was fulfilled in Jesus. We are how part of God’s people, Israel. Our future is secure in Jesus. Reflect on that peace-bringing truth today!

Let’s pray. Father God, you know exactly what we need before we need it. You know our thoughts and dreams. I pray my desires are in alignment with your will. Your plans are so much wiser. Help me to get out of my own way and let you be the leader of my life. I trust you and devote my life to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.