1 Chronicles 17:1-15 – The Promise

Read 1 Chronicles 17:1-15

There are many promises in the Bible, but this is one God made particularly for David. God knew what David needed to hear and used Nathan as his messenger. David was starting to feel guilty that he was living in such a beautiful palace while the Ark, the presence of God lived in a tent. I can understand David’s perspective wanting to honor God.

Judging from the message God gave Nathan, the time for such a grand home had not yet come. God promised David that one of his ancestors would be the one to build this place of honor, the temple. God said, “He is the one who will build a house—a temple—for me. And I will secure his throne forever.” There is a promise within a promise!

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Hebrews 12:5-13 – Divine Discipline

Read Hebrews 12:5-13

I was spanked as a child, were you? It was “for my own good,” I was told. Take a step back in time and think about how your parents disciplined you while growing up. I apologize if you were the “perfect” child who never riled anger or correction from your parents. I was not. Not even close! I spent many nights “grounded.”

When we become parents ourselves, our perspective on the whole idea of discipline abruptly changes. If not a parent, think of a time when you were put in charge of a room full of children and felt totally out of your element. (That’s what being a parent can feel like sometimes!)

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1 Kings 8:14-21 – Prophecy Fulfilled

Read 1 Kings 8:14-21

2 little girl hands doing a pinky promise

Is it just me, or have you been hearing a lot of prophetic declarations being made these days? I’m not sure if people have more time on their hands to hear from the Lord due to the pandemic or if they are just more in tune. Sadly, what I’m hearing most seems to be doom and gloom being spread as a word from God. Not sure how I feel about that!

Do I believe it? Is it credible? I’m sure even the great prophets from the Bible struggled. The message they were getting wasn’t all sunshine and daisies! They were not popular glimpses into the future. However, the words spoken to David were not only a prophecy but also a promise. Remember a prophecy is not “foretelling” but forthtelling announcements of promise, warnings of punishment and woe.

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Judges 11:29-40 – Keeping Your Vow

Read Judges 11:29-40

two wedding rings in sitting on an open page with words blurred out

When we think of vows in our day, our minds go immediately to a bride and groom standing before God and a room full of people. The wedding vow is meant to be the promise or pledge that seals the marriage with God looking on. Fun fact: In doing a little google search, I learned that not all cultures or religions use vows during a wedding ceremony.

Unfortunately, some people don’t take their vows as seriously as they should. If you aren’t able to keep your word, you shouldn’t give it in the first place. I held on for years as a battered wife because of the vow I had made to my first husband. I had made this vow in the presence of God. For me to break it and seek divorce would mean I was letting God down, didn’t it? I struggled with that for years.

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Judges 8:13-21 – Keeping Your Word

Read Judges 8:13-21

pinky promise between two young hands

Unsure how much time has passed when we read “after this,” but suffice it to say that Gideon remains true to his word. You’ll recall in our last reading that Gideon and his army were turned away by two towns until they could bring the two Midianite kings into custody.

I don’t think of Gideon as a gloating type, but he returned with the two kings in hand and was ready to make a statement. He had warned the leaders of these two towns what would happen to them for not helping him in their time of need. Gideon is going to make good on these promises. This will set a good example for his men.

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