Nehemiah 9:38-10:39 – Vow of Faithfulness

Read Nehemiah 9:38-10:39

Our next couple readings will be longer than usual, but they include a list of names. Again, I am impressed by the record keeping and how this was shared with us. I have flashbacks to when I would acknowledge a list of people for some accomplishment as a ministry leader. I always feared leaving someone off the list by accident!

Today’s reading calls out those leaders who had vowed their allegiance to God. These leaders were joined by the people who affirmed their participation in this vow of faithfulness. The people must have deemed it necessary to make this promise official with the oath and sealed document.

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Judges 11:29-40 – Keeping Your Vow

Read Judges 11:29-40

two wedding rings in sitting on an open page with words blurred out

When we think of vows in our day, our minds go immediately to a bride and groom standing before God and a room full of people. The wedding vow is meant to be the promise or pledge that seals the marriage with God looking on. Fun fact: In doing a little google search, I learned that not all cultures or religions use vows during a wedding ceremony.

Unfortunately, some people don’t take their vows as seriously as they should. If you aren’t able to keep your word, you shouldn’t give it in the first place. I held on for years as a battered wife because of the vow I had made to my first husband. I had made this vow in the presence of God. For me to break it and seek divorce would mean I was letting God down, didn’t it? I struggled with that for years.

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Deuteronomy 23:15-25 – How Good Is Your Word?

Read Deuteronomy 23:15-25

Moses continues to put specific laws in place for God’s people. It may be helpful to review the verse from Romans 10:4 that I quoted in our last reflection. Remember Paul’s words, “For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.” That’s not to say what we read here doesn’t have wisdom. It does. It came from God, after all.

Did any of these particular laws resonate with you? I was struck by verse 23, “But once you have voluntarily made a vow, be careful to fulfill your promise to the Lord your God.” No where does it say we must make vows or promises to God. In fact, to the contrary. It is not a sin to not make a vow. But we do find ourselves at time making claims that may or may not be doable. Keep in mind, too, that the text is referring to vows to the Lord.

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