Micah 4:6-13 – God’s in Charge

Read Micah 4:6-13

a pocket watch with the word FOREVER written on it

The generous and universal hope given in our last reading is again focused on the people of Judah, particularly in Jerusalem. There is hope for a return from the exile that hasn’t happened yet. This text seems to flip back and forth between judgment and rescue; however, it is regarded as an oracle of salvation.

The people must have thought Micah was crazy when he mentioned Babylon. While we know the Babylonians were the empire to take down Judah, at the time Micah said these words Babylon was not a power to be feared. This promised exile would have sounded a bit foolish to Micah’s audience. What effect do you think that had on Micah’s credibility?

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Micah 4:1-5 – The Last Days

Read Micah 4:1-5

peace sign made out of flowers with psychedelic design

Talk about dramatic impact in this transition! Micah places these verses, which are almost identical to verses in Isaiah 2, right here after speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem. We know that Isaiah and Micah are contemporaries speaking to the same audience. Did God choose to give them both the same message, or do you think Micah is quoting Isaiah? Micah doesn’t say.

We have clearly jumped far into the future when God will reign over all. The people of Judah see indication of a bright future as Micah designates Jerusalem. Do you think the people could fully grasp what this meant having not experienced the exile yet?  

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Micah 3:1-12 – Boast in the Lord

Read Micah 3:1-12

man shouting praise to God

Micah calls out to the leaders to listen. This message is for them. Leaders include rulers, priests, and prophets in charge of telling the people about God’s ways and expectations. It wasn’t like people had their own Bibles sitting on the shelf with everything they needed to know. The people had to rely on their leaders to tell them about God.

These leaders needed a wake-up call. They were more interested in the bribes they’d receive and in supporting themselves rather than relying on God and teaching truth. I know the struggle, even today, for pastors leading churches and feeling like their hands are tied when “big donors” expect their own agendas will be recognized, even when the good of the congregation is the other direction. Interesting comparison.

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Micah 2:12-13 – A New Beginning

Read Micah 2:12-13

sprout coming out of stump

Have you had the experience of reading a Bible passage, being completely certain the Holy Spirit gave you a message loud and clear, only to hear another’s viewpoint which is not at all the same? It’s like the Holy Spirit had a different message for them. Yet both messages seem relevant, even possible.

That just happened to me on this passage with my husband, David. You’ll recall he did his doctoral dissertation on the coherence of the Book of Micah, so I wasn’t surprised we may have had a different take. I was thrilled he shared with me several books from well-respected scholars displaying our respective messages. I had no idea Bible scholars had written such differing opinions so openly and with such authority. It was exhilarating! The Spirit inside me was overjoyed, too!

Continue reading “Micah 2:12-13 – A New Beginning”

Micah 2:6-11 – Are You Feeling Comforted?

Read Micah 2:6-11

group hug

Micah doesn’t just proclaim God’s words as a monologue, but he engages with the people. I don’t know about you, but I often picture our Biblical prophets walking through the streets or standing on rooftops calling out God’s proclamations.

The people are clearly in denial. They can’t imagine that what Micah is talking about involves them. It’s ludicrous! There must be some mistake. Do these people even know God? If they did, wouldn’t their faith tradition cause them to act differently?

Continue reading “Micah 2:6-11 – Are You Feeling Comforted?”

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