Micah 2:1-5 – Do We Let Evil Win?

Read Micah 2:1-5

stamp of approval that says WINNER

We still see some of these very same sins in our day, don’t we? Striving for power often leads to manipulation, fraud, and violence. This is not new to our times. It might not even look that much different. The bottom line is that evil is still alive and well. Even though centuries have passed, the evil one is still using the same tricks to lure and engage his subjects.

I can truthfully say that I have laid awake at night on numerous occasions. However, I have never schemed against another. In those nights of tossing and turning, I’m usually extremely excited about something about to happen (like a trip to see family) or distraught over a situation that is really outside of my control, but for some reason I want to take it back rather than leaving it in God’s hands.

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Micah 1:6-16 – Here’s What to Expect

Read Micah 1:6-16

Large ceramic hands cupping to hold and protect a crouching small ceramic person

Micah is not bringing news of great joy. His predictions of the Lord’s coming do not call for a triumphant entry full of praise. God’s anger toward his people was burning bright, and we are given a glimpse at the path the conquerors will take in destroying the land of Israel and Judah.

Micah is beside himself with grief. Israel is where it will all begin, but his own homeland in the southern kingdom is not secure. Micah uses such descriptive language to describe his own emotional state. “I will mourn and lament. I will walk around barefoot and naked. I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl.” Have you had a time in your life when you have felt so desperate? How did you get through that time?

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Micah 1:1-5 – The Lord is Coming!

Read Micah 1:1-5

Jesus in the clouds

I’m super excited to walk through the Book of Micah with you. Micah was a prophet used by God around the same time as Isaiah and Hosea. Micah is known as a “minor prophet” only because his book is short. His three major themes of justice, peace, and the Messiah have made great impact. For me personally, my happy ending all began when attempting to dig into the meaning of this book twenty-five years ago.

My pastor husband, David, did his doctoral dissertation on the book of Micah. He has always been honored and grateful to God for being chosen for publication by Scholar’s Press. One of the first things I did during our courtship was to ask to read his book on Micah. I had never met a published author before! While I found it to be “way over my head” in terms of my literary understanding, I was enthralled, and a bit intimidated, by David’s intellect and great faith. I was able to overcome my feelings of “not being enough” thanks to David’s great love and devotion to me. I see that Amazon still has a few copies of his book published back in 1988, if you’re interested!

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Amos 9:1-10 – All Escape Routes Closed

Read Amos 9:1-10

road closed sign in snow drift

We have the fifth and final vision Amos records for us. This one is special because of God’s presence seen by Amos at the altar. There are very few people who have seen God, so Amos is immediately set apart as belonging to a special class of God’s ambassadors. We can also be ambassadors for God in our own circles and beyond. What does that look like for you?

In this intimate encounter, God confirms all of the messages he has already given Amos. This vision is thought to be one Amos received at a time later than the other visions. Take a moment to just let these words settle. “Then I saw a vision of the Lord standing beside the altar.” Seeing God is an honor I can only imagine having. How will it feel?

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Amos 7:10-17 – Watch Out, Amos!

Read Amos 7:10-17

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

We get our first glimpse of potential danger for Amos when a priest from Bethel gets word of Amos’ declarations from God. This priest, Amaziah, is not at all welcoming and begins to stir things up for Amos. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “don’t shoot the messenger.” That’s a little of what Amos may be facing, yet we don’t see any threats of physical harm.

Amaziah wants Amos to go back and be a prophet in his own land. Amos stands his ground and said, “the Lord called me away from my flock and told me, ‘Go and prophesy to my people in Israel.’” Amos was being obedient to God. I’m sure there were plenty of times when Amos wondered why he had been chosen to speak to Israel when he was from Judah. He didn’t question God. Can you think of a time when you questioned God’s movement in your life?

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