Mark 15:21-32 – To the Cross

Read Mark 15:21-32

Jesus’ journey to the cross comes to an end in this reading. As we read through this account, let’s unpack some of the rich symbolism and fulfillment of prophecy, as well as detail that Mark wanted to include in his account of this life-changing event.

Golgotha was the place, located out of the city. In that day, crucifixions were reserved for criminals against the ruling power. Crucifixions were symbolic to show political power triumphing over those rebels. These death sentences occurred outside the city gates, intensifying the shame. You may recall that Old Testament blasphemers were stoned outside the city walls. Jesus had been accused of the same from the religious leaders.

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Mark 15:16-20 – Mocking Jesus

Read Mark 15:16-20

Don’t you just want to yell, “Stop! Enough already!” It breaks my heart to see how our King Jesus was treated in his final hours. These soldiers had no idea who they were mocking. How do you think it made Jesus feel to be taunted and paraded around in a purple robe with a crown of thorns? This is just one of the times Jesus will be mocked before he dies.

Jesus loved us that much. He endured so much for you and me. We see people in our day being bullied for one thing or another. As a child, I was called “fatty” or “four eyes.” I know how much that hurt. Today’s taunts are much more hurtful, and childhood suicide is on the rise.

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Mark 13:24-37 – Watch for Him!

Read Mark 13:24-37

The second part of Jesus’ warning points to himself and his return. To the disciples, this must have sounded absurd. Jesus had not yet been taken from them, killed, or raised to life again. But we come at this from a different vantage point. We are the ones waiting to see Jesus coming in the clouds.

Jesus makes it clear that he will not return until after the horrendous things of our last reading take place. Here, we learn more about that rescue mission. “And he will send out his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the world.” What a glorious promise!

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Mark 13:1-23 – Jesus’ Warning

Read Mark 13:1-23

Jesus gives us so much detail in this apocalyptic passage, and it’s frightening. I don’t think Jesus meant for us to be scared, rather to be prepared. The end times are not going to be pretty. For those who will witness such things, there will be death and chaos. The promise is also there for us believers. The Holy Spirit will be with us.

I have vivid memories of being afraid of my closet as a child. I was sure there was something to fear lurking in the shadows, and the closet door had to be closed every night lest I couldn’t fall asleep. I can still hear my dad saying, “There is nothing to fear; I’ll be right across the hall.”

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Mark 12:41-44 – All She Had

Read Mark 12:41-44

Have you ever thought about what the widow was thinking as she deposited her last two coins into the offering that day? Clearly, she had to know this was it. There was nothing more at home in a jar hidden away. Jesus knew. Her devotion was palpable. Had it been difficult for her to part with these coins?

I don’t think any of us have ever been to that point of desperation. If we had two coins left, would we have given them to God or would we have saved them for our next meal? It’s hard to imagine having that little, isn’t it?

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