Mark 15:21-32 – To the Cross

man carrying Jesus' cross

Read Mark 15:21-32

Jesus’ journey to the cross comes to an end in this reading. As we read through this account, let’s unpack some of the rich symbolism and fulfillment of prophecy, as well as detail that Mark wanted to include in his account of this life-changing event.

Golgotha was the place, located out of the city. In that day, crucifixions were reserved for criminals against the ruling power. Crucifixions were symbolic to show political power triumphing over those rebels. These death sentences occurred outside the city gates, intensifying the shame. You may recall that Old Testament blasphemers were stoned outside the city walls. Jesus had been accused of the same from the religious leaders.

The path Jesus took that day was long and his cross was heavy. Did you wonder why Simon was chosen to carry Jesus’ cross? Who is Simon, and what is the significance of mentioning his children, Rufus and Alexander? From what I understand, identifying them by name would indicate they would be recognized and known by the community. Some speculate that Rufus may be the same individual Paul refers to in Romans 16:13. Witnessing the events of Jesus’ crucifixion would be life changing for anyone, especially those taking part.

You may recall Jesus’ words from Mark 8:34, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.” We are all called to carry Jesus’ cross and share in his suffering.

Not only was the kindness of Simon recognized, but the soldiers also offered Jesus bitter wine to drink. Proverbs 31:6 says, “Alcohol is for the dying, and wine for those in bitter distress.” Myrrh would have added a numbing effect which would have made Jesus’ torture less excruciating. Yet Jesus’ refused. Why? Perhaps it was so he could fully experience his sacrificial offering of love for us.

In Jesus’ agony on the cross, he had to hear the taunts and mockery continue. Jesus’ restraint from responding is hard to fathom, along with his unwavering resolve to see this horrendous act to completion. Remember he did this for you and me!

In this passage, we also see parts of Psalm 22 fulfilled. In particular, the act of throwing dice for Jesus’ garments. Jesus would have seen the connection. Even this act of disrespect was part of God’s plan. The taunts are also found here as the psalmist foretells, “Everyone who sees me mocks me. They sneer and shake their heads, saying, “Is this the one who relies on the Lord? Then let the Lord save him! If the Lord loves him so much, let the Lord rescue him!”

Read through the text again. Jesus endured this for you. How do you respond?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, I am overcome with emotion each time I read the account of how you suffered for me. The events of that fateful day have been recorded so that we never forget. When bad things happen to me, I often find myself in a pity party. Forgive me for those times. May I recall what you endured for me so I can keep my perspective straight. I am so grateful for your love for me. May I always reflect your love to others I meet. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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