Mark 15:16-20 – Mocking Jesus

crown of thorns and purple robe

Read Mark 15:16-20

Don’t you just want to yell, “Stop! Enough already!” It breaks my heart to see how our King Jesus was treated in his final hours. These soldiers had no idea who they were mocking. How do you think it made Jesus feel to be taunted and paraded around in a purple robe with a crown of thorns? This is just one of the times Jesus will be mocked before he dies.

Jesus loved us that much. He endured so much for you and me. We see people in our day being bullied for one thing or another. As a child, I was called “fatty” or “four eyes.” I know how much that hurt. Today’s taunts are much more hurtful, and childhood suicide is on the rise.

Why are people so mean? Jesus told the disciples that he would endure such things at the hands of his captives. Old Testament prophecy also foretold such things. Knowing it is going to happen is one thing, experiencing it is entirely different. Have you ever been bullied?

Christians around the world are being persecuted. We see lives being brutally snuffed out and strict limitations being imposed on us for our beliefs. The problem is real. It may not be happening in your neighborhood, but the news is packed with jaw dropping accounts. If Jesus can endure for us, we should be able to endure for him, don’t you agree?

These moments in the governor’s courtyard come to an end. The time has come. After the soldiers have had some fun, now Mark’s gospel tells us, “they led him away to be crucified.” Everything that Jesus predicted is coming true. Let that reality sit with you for a while today.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Thank you for the mocking you endured, Lord. I can only imagine how much it hurt. You didn’t complain. You didn’t fight back. You were focused on your purpose and your love for me. How can I ever express my gratitude? I love you, Lord. Forgive me for my shortcomings. Help me be a better person who reflects your love in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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