Mark 13:24-37 – Watch for Him!

little girl looking up with amazement as lights and stars surround her

Read Mark 13:24-37

The second part of Jesus’ warning points to himself and his return. To the disciples, this must have sounded absurd. Jesus had not yet been taken from them, killed, or raised to life again. But we come at this from a different vantage point. We are the ones waiting to see Jesus coming in the clouds.

Jesus makes it clear that he will not return until after the horrendous things of our last reading take place. Here, we learn more about that rescue mission. “And he will send out his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the world.” What a glorious promise!

This section also has three parts. (1) the Son of Man comes; (2) the signs and wonders to come are key, yet only God knows exactly when; and (3) the declaration for everyone to watch and be ready. What we can take away is that Jesus will return, we just don’t know when.

The fig tree example gives us only one clue. That clue is that we will be able to recognize when the end times are approaching because Jesus told us what we would see. Most of us have seen a tree blooming after being dormant. When you see little buds forming, you can pretty much predict that the tree is about to bloom. Like that, we will see the events Jesus describes and know the time is near.

Jesus uses the other example of a man going on a trip. I know when we go away, we have a house sitter that takes care of our dogs. I always have a long list of duties to help them succeed in caring for our pets while we’re away. We usually have an expected return date, but what if we returned early? Would we see a house in order and pets care for?

It’s our responsibility to be ready. We have been given the instructions, so we have no excuse. We can see evidence of Jesus’ words coming true in our day, and that should cause us to pause to take account of how we’re doing. Are we doing what Jesus has asked us to do? Are we focused more on serving others or serving ourselves?

Jesus said, “And since you don’t know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!” How many more generations will heed this warning? None of us know. But one thing I can say is that for each person who listens and obeys, this world is a better place. And the angels will have that many more “chosen ones” to rescue on that day.

We’re called to make disciples and live like Jesus lived while we’re waiting. I see it as an honor and a privilege to honor my king Jesus in this way. How are you honoring God as you wait?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for your words of caution so that we can be watching and waiting for the signs of your return. Whether you come in my lifetime or not, I want to live a life that honors you and draws others into your presence. Forgive me for the times when I have strayed or been distracted from the work you have assigned me to do. I look to you for your leading. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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