Job 17:1-22 – Defensive Yet Hopeful

Read Job 17:1-16

Sadly, we often judge people by their appearance. Job must have looked dreadful. His body has wasted away, he must have almost been unrecognizable. Do you think his friends’ responses were in any way affected by the way Job looked?

Job described himself a bit in this passage. What do we know about Job’s appearance? His eyes were swollen from weeping, and he had lost a lot of weight. Job believed he was being scoffed by the virtuous and righteous, probably some of those friends he used to have. Rejection. Job’s friends had rejected him. Don’t we tend to get defensive when we feel abandoned and rejected? Job was feeling such pressure. Continue reading “Job 17:1-22 – Defensive Yet Hopeful”

Mark 15:21-32 – To the Cross

Read Mark 15:21-32

Jesus’ journey to the cross comes to an end in this reading. As we read through this account, let’s unpack some of the rich symbolism and fulfillment of prophecy, as well as detail that Mark wanted to include in his account of this life-changing event.

Golgotha was the place, located out of the city. In that day, crucifixions were reserved for criminals against the ruling power. Crucifixions were symbolic to show political power triumphing over those rebels. These death sentences occurred outside the city gates, intensifying the shame. You may recall that Old Testament blasphemers were stoned outside the city walls. Jesus had been accused of the same from the religious leaders.

Continue reading “Mark 15:21-32 – To the Cross”

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