December 25 🌟 Eternal Word (John 1:1-14)

Read John 1:1-14

in the beginning was the WORD

Merry Christmas!! I love this reading from John’s gospel. John takes a little different approach to the story of Jesus’ birth. His incarnation as a baby was not the beginning. Not even close. Jesus was with God, was God, at the creation of all that exists.

As we have journeyed together this Advent, we have read about John, the man God sent to “tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.” Jesus is that light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” We certainly are living in times of darkness in need of a Savior!

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Luke 2:8-20 – Be Like The Shepherds

Read Luke 2:8-20

If you’re like me, you’ve heard the Christmas story over and over again since you were a little child. You may have played an angel, a shepherd, or a wise man in a pageant or two. In my case, I don’t have that childhood memory because our church didn’t do that. I sang in a choir instead. Choir robes weren’t the same as a costume! I suppose that’s why as an adult, and as a children’s ministry director, I was so excited to bring this tradition to hundreds of children. Those are definitely memories I treasure.

Do we really understand the shepherds in the story? You know, the lowly ones left to tend to their flocks day and night. In the culture of the day, shepherds were not the admired ones in society. Little boys did not dream of being a shepherd. Of course, if you came from a family of shepherds, you would probably be a shepherd by default. It’s easy for us to look down on them because of how they were viewed by the rest of the population, but God didn’t. God gave them a very special gift.

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