If you’re like me, you’ve heard the Christmas story over and over again since you were a little child. You may have played an angel, a shepherd, or a wise man in a pageant or two. In my case, I don’t have that childhood memory because our church didn’t do that. I sang in a choir instead. Choir robes weren’t the same as a costume! I suppose that’s why as an adult, and as a children’s ministry director, I was so excited to bring this tradition to hundreds of children. Those are definitely memories I treasure.
Do we really understand the shepherds in the story? You know, the lowly ones left to tend to their flocks day and night. In the culture of the day, shepherds were not the admired ones in society. Little boys did not dream of being a shepherd. Of course, if you came from a family of shepherds, you would probably be a shepherd by default. It’s easy for us to look down on them because of how they were viewed by the rest of the population, but God didn’t. God gave them a very special gift.
I don’t know about you, but it seems like Christmas got here especially fast this year. I’ve noticed comments like these from my friends and loved ones: “How have moms over the ages held it together at Christmas, I don’t know how I am ever going to get it all done.” “I don’t want Christmas to come this year because I’m going to be alone.” “The malls are so crowded, I just can’t bring myself to get caught up in all of that.” “I’m afraid the Christmas cards aren’t going to get out in time.”
I could go on and on. But I’ve also been blessed by one friend in particular who has chosen to shine brighter this Christmas. Her heart is aglow with the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus. Jesus came to earth for us. Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus brings Light to this dark world. And, He wants us, as Christ followers, to share this Light with the world. He wants us to share this Hope to the hurting….to the confused….to the lonely.
Jesus never promised that we would live a pain free life here on earth. In fact, He tells us the opposite. “In this life, you will have trouble…” But, Jesus also gives hope because He continues by saying, “But take heart, I have overcome the world.” That is our gift. Jesus.
So what about the shepherds? They were the unlikely ones to receive the good news from the angels. What do you notice about their story? You might need to read the passage again. Who wouldn’t be afraid at the visit of angels? But the shepherds listened. The shepherds went to see for themselves. The shepherds shared the Good News. The shepherds rejoiced and gave praise to God. They had been given a gift, and they knew it.
How are we like the shepherds? Do we believe? Do we share the Good News with others? Are we unashamed of Jesus? Do we praise God for all the blessings in our life?
Take some time today to really reflect on what is happening in your life. Have you made room for Jesus? There wasn’t room in the inn, but Jesus came. Our heads may be full of the to-do list, the cookies to decorate, the music to prepare for church, etc. Is there room for Jesus in your heart? He is coming. Jesus is here with us. Celebrate him. Today and everyday.

Let’s pray. Lord, I am overcome with emotion on this holy day. I love everything about how you came to earth and the message it brings for us. Your humility, your grace, your majesty. Help me shut out all the noise and distractions of the season and keep you close in my heart. Give me boldness like the shepherds to tell of your greatness to everyone I meet. May your blessings pour out on all those who I know and love, and may their hearts be ready to welcome you, too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dana, there are so many who see Christmas as a time for frolic and spending and parties only. I like the good cheer and the loving interactions of Christmas but I was taught about the personal value of the coming of Christ and so every year we still worship and contemplate the birth as a time for us to have our own rebirth. Yes the shepherds went and told everyone and so we must spread the word of God’s love through the coming of Jesus. Thank you for your article.
You are welcome, JJ! Thank you for the comment! This time of year can be so commercialized. We can be thankful we were brought up to value the relationship with have with Jesus.
What a beautiful post on this day, I am happy I encountered your page. I couldn’t agree more with you – we have to take time to reflect and honestly ‘’review’’ what is happening in our life. But not just today, often.
‘’Help me shut out all the noise and distractions of the season and keep you close in my heart.’’ So beautifully worded. This will be my prayer for today. Thank you.
I love it when my reflections can bless others. God has given me this gift and I am sharing it. I hope you’re able to stop by my blog often. Have a blessed day!
Wow! Nice article!
Be like a sheperd … I feel I’m not like that, because I still have bad temper, I often hurt others and feel bad for my family. Maybe that’s what I need to change in the new year.
And what you say is true, if this Christmas feels very fast. The resolution I made at the end of last year, a lot of which I have not yet reached. And because of this writing, I think maybe Jesus will come sooner than we thought. And I’m still a sinner. I also still often turn my ears to Jesus when called because of all the busyness that I face day after day.
Thank you for this post that made me self-reflection on myself.
Thank you, Kylie, for your comment and honesty. You are loved by God just like the shepherds. He will help you with your “issues.” We are all sinners in need of a Savior! Blessings to you! I hope you’re able to stop by my blog often and let God speak to you.
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful Bible passage. I often think that the shepherds are often misinterpreted but like everything in the Bible it is there for a reason. The shepherds are some of the lowest people that have little value, but the story demonstrates that Christ the king has come for everybody and not just for royalty. A king for everyone and not the select few.
I still remember my childhood nativity plays, where the whole school was expected to take part. Such wonderful times. I feel we have lost our innocence.
At this Christmas season may you receive all God’s blessings.
Thank you, Antonio! May God bless you and yours richly this holiday season and in the years to come!
Let’s discuss I have just two questions.1Why do you think the message of Jesus’ birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8) What point is God making?
2.What is the “glory of God” that the shepherds glimpsed? (2:9, 13-14) Is this glory present if we can’t see it? Why are we so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Corinthians 4:18).I must say a very big thanks your for this awesome article
I can never begin to know what God was thinking other than he wanted to make a humble entrance into the world to help us realize that Jesus is for EVERYONE! As for the glory of God, I imagine it to be a great blinding light accompanied with a feeling of peace and awe. Even if we cannot see it, we can feel the peace and joy when we think of what God has done for us.
Thank you for your comment, Feji ben! I hope you return to my site regularly.
Hello Dana, nice to see you share this piece with us telling us to be like the shepherds. Indeed the shepherds are precious before God, as a matter of fact, Jesus is the Shepherd of our soul. The shepherds are like our spiritual leaders and heads today in the church. But this mandate to spread the good news to all ends of the earth was given to us all. I agree 100% that we should be like the shepherd. Only God can help us in this assignment.
Merry Christmas.
I celebrate you!
I celebrate you, too! We are all precious in God’s sight! Thank you for your comment!
It’s refreshing to find another soul that’s in love with God and his word the Bible.
The shepherds did indeed receive a special gift. The angels weren’t sent to the nobility or the religious leaders. But to shepherds. Remember, Moses couldn’t be used by God until he developed the right qualities. Qualities of humility, meekness, modesty, gained as a shepherd for 40 years. Thank you.
Thank you, JR, for your insightful comment. I strive for these qualities, too! I hope you visit my blog often!
Hey Dana, Thank you for giving light on Luke 2:8-20 – Be Like The Shepherds. I enjoy and learn a lot from it.
Jesus never promised that we would live a pain free life here on earth. In fact, He tells us the opposite. “In this life, you will have trouble…” But, Jesus also gives hope because He continues by saying, “But take heart, I have overcome the world.” That is our gift. Jesus.
It helps me a lot and give motivation to face any trouble no matter it is challenging or not.
Thank you
Yes, Deepu, Jesus has overcome the world! Hallelujah!