Why is it parents get wiser as the years go by? As a young child, those parents can do no wrong. And then, something happens in the teen years. A bit of rebellion perhaps as we seek our independence and realize we have a voice, too. Our parents don’t seem to be as wise, and we often turn to other sources (friends and the world) for our advice and counsel. At some point, we return to our senses realizing our parents, though flawed in their own ways, were always wise.
In today’s reading we see a father remembering his own instruction and giving the same to his children. Wisdom is something we can and should encourage our children to seek, too. Wisdom is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s not like you have it once and then lose it. But it is something to be sought after and nurtured.
“Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.” Being able to discern truth from lies, good from bad, real from fake, is part of good judgment. Just as important is what we do with that discernment. That is the full spectrum of judgment in my opinion. We have to act in accordance with our understanding. In other words, it’s not enough to know that murder is wrong, we must never murder another.
Temptation can make it hard to use our best judgment. The fear of missing out, losing friends or popularity, can also rob us of making good, sound decisions. Our fear of the Lord should be greater than all of that. We should embrace wisdom, as this passage says, and we will be honored.
Are you struggling with something? Is there some force of evil at work in your life right now telling you lies and keeping you from loving wisdom? Do you feel like you aren’t worthy of being great, honored, or guarded for your wisdom? Tell God how you feel. Ask him for peace and a readiness to find the wisdom you are seeking.

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for giving me loving parents who took me to church so I could learn about you and your Word. Help me to shut out the noise from the world that tries to get me off course. I want to receive the wisdom you provide. Help me to honor you in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.