Up to now, we have been reading in Proverbs about the importance of wisdom in our lives. Wisdom comes from God and is full of benefits. Wisdom makes us look good, gives life, keeps us safe, gives us security. According to Solomon, wisdom is fearing God and living a life pleasing to Him. Today’s reading takes us a step further by giving us some concrete examples.
In today’s reading, we are seeing what God-like behavior looks like when it comes to interacting with others. We should have a generous heart ready to serve others now, and not put it off. Even praying for one another can fit in here. How many times have you told someone you’d pray for them? Later comes and hopefully you remember to pray. Why not just pray right there, in the midst of their need?
I’ve done it both ways, and I can really sense God’s power when we stop everything and just pray. I’ll never forget the first time someone said that to me. I was surprised at first, but as I have reflected since that is exactly what we should do. Certainly, timing is not always perfect for these types of encounters, but it does help if we look for those opportunities.
Another nugget we see is that we shouldn’t pick a fight “without reason” with our neighbor. What does it solve anyway? Nobody likes a bully, for one thing. Usually someone ends up getting riled up and nothing is accomplished. Isn’t it much better to try and work through differences and accept each other as being different? I was a little curious on what he meant by “without reason.” If no harm is done to you, there is no reason to cause harm to another.
What about envying violent people? Having spending my first marriage of 15 years with a violent man, I certainly do not “envy” him. In my opinion, people who have to resort to violence are usually broken in some way. They definitely need a Savior. Yet, they would not think so. They hide behind their rage.
I could go on and on about my experiences with a violent person, but that isn’t fair to really generalize all violent people. Obviously, Solomon thought we should be careful of them. In particular, not envy them or copy their ways. Within the film and video game industries, violent themes tend to be common and many times glorified. God is seeking the righteous.
Let’s take a look inside our own lives and attitudes. How are you doing at being a God-like example with your neighbor? Would strangers recognize you as a compassionate servant or as a tough-guy who takes advantage of others? Probably somewhere in between works for most of us. If that is true, we all have something to work on. Being more God-like.
We have so much to be grateful for. If we are godly, God offers his friendship and blesses our homes; he is gracious to the humble and honors the wise. Let’s enter into our prayer time remembering these benefits as well as all the blessings he is giving us each day.

Let’s pray … Father God, thank you for your grace. It is sufficient for me. I am overwhelmed by what you have done for me. I do want to be more like you. Help me to set aside my selfish thoughts and ways. Help me to be mindful to the needs around me and not put off being of service to those in need. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. In Jesus’ name. Amen.