Christmas πŸ™ Luke 2:1-7 – Obedience

a manger bed with lights glowing from it

Read Luke 2:1-7

The Christmas story never gets old. I know people that play Christmas music year round just because of the hope it brings. There is something indescribably special about the miracle of Christ’s incarnation. Knowing that God loved us that much to send his son into this world can leave you speechless if you let it. All our hopes and dreams can be met by that darling infant King.

But the Christmas story is more than the hope and promise of salvation. We shouldn’t be surprised that there are multiple layers of blessing and wisdom we can glean from this story. The lesson we’ll focus on today is Obedience.

Our text tells us about what was happening at the time this young couple, Joseph and Mary were preparing for the arrival of God’s son. Can you imagine having to pack up to travel for miles on foot or by donkey being nine months pregnant because the government was telling you to do so? Obedience is revealed in that detail.

In fact, when you think about it, obedience has been the recurring theme in Mary’s pregnancy. Mary was a virgin carrying God’s son. Mary’s own words to the angel recorded in Luke 1:38 say, β€œI am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.” What a great attitude and example of obedience.

Joseph had his own issues to work through being the earthly father of God’s son. Can you imagine the honor? Everyone who listened to the prophets knew the Messiah would be born from the line of David. How did Joseph feel to be used by God in this way? He didn’t run the other way (but he almost did)!

Joseph displayed his obedience when he listened to the angel. You’ll recall how the angel told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife even though she was pregnant with God’s son. We’re told in Matthew 1:21 that the angel said, “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” We know how Joseph responded in obedience.

How about you? What is God asking of you this Christmas season? Maybe you’re still listening for God’s voice. Pray for a message from God, and then be obedient to respond even if you might not feel ready.

Remember how Joseph and Mary must have felt. They certainly couldn’t have been ready to look into God’s eyes each time they looked at their child. They couldn’t have wanted to travel the distance to get registered in their ancestral home town of Bethlehem. We know they did. Their obedience was commendable and brought honor and glory to God.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray.

Lord, please continue use me in the way that will most honor you today. I know I don’t always feel ready or prepared, but am always amazed at how your power carries me through. May I be obedient to you and your will for my life. Open up my eyes to see the truth of your word for encouragement and direction. Thank you for your guidance and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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