Mark 1:9-15 – From Baptism to Temptation

Read Mark 1:9-15

I can’t even fathom the transition Jesus endured. He went from the high point of his baptism to being drawn into the wilderness to encounter the craftiness of Satan. The passage says Jesus was “compelled” to spend these 40 days in the desert.  That’s a long time to be tempted by evil.

Mark’s gospel account of these two life events seems like the condensed version when compared to other gospels. Both were significant milestones in Jesus’ life. The baptism appears in all four gospels, and the temptation in three. Both events take place before Jesus begins his ministry.

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John 1:2-8 – Preparing the Way

Read Mark 1:2-8

Don’t you love it when you see Scripture texts pointing to each other?  Of course, there are many Old Testament prophecies that reveal pieces of Jesus’ character. But today’s reading reminds us that the prophet Isaiah spoke of John the Baptist. God already knew that the world would need special preparation to receive his Son, Jesus.

John sounds like an interesting fellow. We know from other gospels that he was born to older parents who had not been able to have children, until God’s perfect timing allowed his mother Elizabeth to get pregnant. Trusting God’s timing always has marvelous results.

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Mark 1:1 – Meet My Friend, Jesus

Read Mark 1:1

What a powerful verse to open Mark’s gospel! There is a lot here. Mark wanted to make sure his audience knew who he would be writing about. I like how the ESV (English Standard Version) translation makes it more of like a book title introducing the book’s subject. “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Let’s unpack that statement as well as what the NLT (New Living Translation), I normally reflect on, says.

The Good News Begins. This tells me that what is to follow is fantastic news. What a contrast to other Bible texts that bring news of doom and gloom! The gospel of Jesus Christ is often referred to as the “good news.” I’ve often said that “I love sharing the good news with others.” The account of Jesus’ life, his love for us, and his ultimate sacrifice is certainly “good news” for those who believe in him, and even for those who don’t believe yet. It’s the kind of news that changes lives.

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Mark 15:16-39 – Final Hours

Read Mark 15:16-39

Jesus died on the cross for me

Jesus’ journey to the cross ends today as he is raised up on the tree for all to see. As Christians, this is an essential event in our faith story. Knowing that, however, doesn’t make it any less excruciating for us to imagine. I can almost feel each blow and hear each taunt jeered at Jesus. I have to shut out the noise of the world to do so, but that’s how I want to spend my quiet time today. I want to feel closer to Jesus.

I can’t help but think about what Jesus was feeling besides the agony. Was he picturing all of our faces as he endured his torture? And what about Jesus’ abusers? Imagine what evil must be burning inside for them to commit such a deed on another human. What kind of mindset must they have had to reconcile their actions?

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December 10 🌟 Prepare the Way (Mark 1:1-8)

Read Mark 1:1-8

silhouette of a man and a woman kneeling at the foot of a cross with a sunset in the background

I love how the Gospel of Mark starts right here, with John’s ministry preparing the way. When is the last time you asked yourself, “how am I showing up for Jesus?” When people look at you, do they see Jesus at all?

Since none of us really know what Jesus’ looks like physically, although he’s been depicted in all sorts of ways over the years, we know what he looks like in behavior and character. That’s what I’m talking about here. How much did John really know about his cousin Jesus before he started preaching?

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