Mark 15 – King of The Jews

Read Mark 15

It didn’t seem right to shorten today’s reading. It’s Holy Week and Good Friday. It’s good for us to remember Jesus’ final hours. We can almost feel the agony if we take time to really reflect. What was Jesus, the King of Jews, feeling as he endured the mocking, the abuse, the pain coursing through every inch of his body?

These verses take us from Jesus’ second trial to his death on the cross, followed by his burial. It was only a span of hours. The leading priests, Pilate, the Roman officer, and Joseph of Arimathea all played their roles perfectly to complete God’s plan. Even the crowds of people were engaged in making sure a known criminal walked free rather than Jesus. Where had Jesus’ popularity gone?

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Luke 22:63-23:55 – Guilty or Not Guilty?

Read Luke 22:63-23:55

Reading about Jesus’ final hours can be an emotional encounter, especially when we put ourselves in the scene. We’ve been walking with Jesus to the cross, and today we arrive. Seeing it dramatized is also a very powerful way to remember. I’ll never forget the car ride home in silence after our family watched Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ” when it first came out in theatres.

Sometimes we want to rush ahead to what happens next, but the first disciples didn’t know this was only the beginning of the miracle of all miracles. Let’s stay where we are in this moment, seeing our Savior’s sacrifice of love.

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Mark 15:16-39 – Final Hours

Read Mark 15:16-39

Jesus died on the cross for me

Jesus’ journey to the cross ends today as he is raised up on the tree for all to see. As Christians, this is an essential event in our faith story. Knowing that, however, doesn’t make it any less excruciating for us to imagine. I can almost feel each blow and hear each taunt jeered at Jesus. I have to shut out the noise of the world to do so, but that’s how I want to spend my quiet time today. I want to feel closer to Jesus.

I can’t help but think about what Jesus was feeling besides the agony. Was he picturing all of our faces as he endured his torture? And what about Jesus’ abusers? Imagine what evil must be burning inside for them to commit such a deed on another human. What kind of mindset must they have had to reconcile their actions?

Continue reading “Mark 15:16-39 – Final Hours”

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